How can Republicans argue that Jesus was neither a hippie nor a socialist?
I think in modern terms, he does fit these descriptions in many ways (though not exactly).
Of course, he never participated in the drugs (other than marijuana) and ‘free love’…but he did advocate peace, and loving everyone- even your enemies. He also said that we are to care for the poor and the oppressed. In fact, the early Christian communities depicted in the book of Acts look very much like socialist hippie communes. They shared absolutely everything with each other, and they spent all their time together learning about God… yet they were always inviting more people in. Everyone was cared for, everyone was loved. They would even sell their own possessions to meet each others’ needs!
This is what makes it very hard for me to understand why Christianity is associated with the Republican party… it seems so radically different from the teachings of Jesus.
I suggest you read “Jesus for President” by Shane Claiborne. A very, very good book that addresses issues such as these.
Not hard for a Christian to argue.
Jesus was not a hippie or a socialist.
did he call on the goverment to take a more active and intrusive role in our lives?
Thank you!!!
Finally someone agrees with me.
What ever happened to compassion for your fellow man.
Lets not forget that the Bible says to care for the young, old, sick and poor. And love thy neighbor as yourself.
It also says if you meet a stranger that is hungry, feed him. If you meet a homeless person, give him shelter. So on and so on. I don’t think the conservatives in this nation have read their Bibles in a long time.
I’ve already said a million times, Jesus was the orignal hippie, hell the sermon on the mount,was the first Woodstock, wonder if they had good weed?
There are no democrats
only Republicans in denial
How can Republicans argue that Jesus was neither a hippie nor a socialist? because they respect Jesus, Listen if we were so inept that he had to have our hands held from cradle to grave why in the H would we have free will. If you want to soil yourself and sit in your excrement while someone else wipes you go ahead I am sure someone will take care of you. I’d like to sink or swim on my own merits thank you.
otherwise why bother being here, why bother trying??
Jesus is not a conservative white middle class American who voted for Bush. Although you don’t have any argument for saying he was a socialist. Sure, the early church advocated selling everything and living together as a commune, but the early church is not Jesus.
I do think it’s a shame that the Republican party is most closely associated with Christianity. I’m a Christian, but I’m not a Republican, and I disagree with much of what the mainstream denominations preach about.
I follow Christ, not the church.
Socialism requires the destruction of human free will and the subjugation of all human productivity to serve “the state”. That kind of materialistic model is fundamentally opposite what Jesus taught – individual free will and salvation through Him alone. Jesus said that accepting him as Lord and Savior was the ONLY way to escape damnation. Serving a government as your “god” will not allow you to attain salvation.
because he was a terrorist that got caught and crucified before he could do more dammage.
Jesus was neither a hippie or a socialist. He was, however, a political activist in his time in the same form as Ghandi and others who followed. He bucked the system to the point that the Pharisees could no longer tolerate his insolence. They wanted him dead. It was Jesus’ contention and wish that the Romans should be gone from his land and with good reason. The Romans ruled with a policy of Pax Romana (Roman Peace) which was actually implemented by excrutiatingly high taxation, few civil rights, and harsh punishment for failure to comply.
You have missed the boat, my friend, on the historical Jesus and his time. We do not live under Roman oppression and some of the precepts offered by Obama (higher taxation) were exactly the precepts of the Roman occupiers of Jerusalem.
Jesus would have been in favor of individual responsibility and freedom from cruel taxation thus a Republican.
This is the first time I have heard this point of view, I must say it makes so much sense on the teachings of Jesus. I would definitely say that Jesus was a true socialist, in the good and true sense of socialism. I will take this back to the elections and say I do not believe Obama is a Socialist though, he is a true humanitarian but it seems most people don’t see that, at least not yet. As far as the Republicans go they will use anything to try and be in power, I guess that means Christianity also. (personally speaking I am not a religious person but consider myself spiritual) In one of the postings someone mentioned he followed Christ not the church, I use that philosophy in voting, I pick the best person I feel should be President not the party.
Most of the wealthier conservatives do give a percentage of their earnings to charitable donations but they make sure they keep the bulk of their possessions to themselves. They are not prepared to part with their hard earned luxuries. Jesus was not asking for someone to be penniless, but to feel compassion and give those in need more than a few crumbs. They would be wise to take a lesson from the Apostle Paul and become tent-makers for at least one year. Jesus did lean toward socialism where people would have their needs met and rejected the wants of capitalism.