How can i make money for christmas?
I want to get a head start on making money for christmas so that i can buy stuff for my mom dad and brother. Im already working at a coffee shop but not making that much. Really looking to do something online and keep hearing about amazon and ebay. Any ideas would be great.
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Get a second job like/at:
Walking dogs
Washing Cars
Fast food
Have a yardsale
Sell stuff on eBay
Borrow money from a friend
rob? >.< Theres all I can think of...
Get a different job maybe.. My dog just had puppies and I’m selling them.. Thats going towards my christmas money
! How old are you? If your a teenager you could ask for weekly allowance, or having a garage sale, donate blood (if you make money from it.. idk), BABYSITTING, pickkn bottles and taking them to the bottle depot and get some pocket change.. Depending on how manyy bottles.. I hope I helped ..
Merry Christmas .
I see this question about this time every year. Funny, I felt the same way as you about 4 years ago so I did start using amazon and ebay as a way to make extra money for Christmas or for whatever.
If you are somewhat savvy with websites and such. Doing the ebay and amazon thing is the way to go especially if you already have a day job.
So I’d say you are on the right path.
Making money with eBay and selling stuff from Amazon could work. Though to try and sellstuff with Amazon is quite hard. You could try making squidoo lenses. Squidoo is just like ezinearticles. It’s where you write whatever you want and then they have like this module where you can add Amazon products and if ever somebody buys from that page you earn money. You also get royalty fees for every view. ( I think) but either you’ll get paid on squidoo.
Here’s my squidoo lens on how to earn money online
a great way to earn money is by selling other peoples products. Clickbank is a place where there is over 10,000 digital products you can sell. It’s just like amazon on squidoo. Except when you sell on amazon you Earn about
less than $10 on each product while on the products sold on clicbank you can get up to 75% commission.
Anyways that’s just one way to start.
Just go to my squidoo page and is out more
here it’s is again
but if you wanna earn money without so much hassle. I mean whn I starte working on clickbank I barely earned anything. One thing you should keep in mind is that you won’t earn money in a day. Maybe in two weeks. But not in a day.
If you wanna learn how an old teacher now earns over thousands of dollars weekly just go here for
FREE instant access. Now when I say free I really do mean free. They have few products you can buy but you don’t have to just yet.
just check out there site. You’ll realize they have alot of great information.
Well, Good luck and I hope I helped
If there is a chick-fil-a in your area try getting a part time job there. They always start
with minimum wage but most of the time the pay goes up if they like your Performance.
Trust me on this, one of my brothers works there. However, if you do apply and get accepted, just know that most of the chick-fil-a’s that I have been to expect high performance, good attitudes and you always have to say “My pleasure” instead of “your welcome!” or “No problem!” Hope this helps!
-Just ask Jamie
Look at this site, and don’t worry, it’s not a scam.
Read the whole site, it explains in detail how it works
Get a second job somewhere.
There is a great fundraiser Dutchman Tree Farms offers every year around Christmas time. Check it out on their web-site. It’s called Green2green