How Can I get marijuana out my system faster than 30 days?
Im trying to get a job but trying to get my system clean before the 30 days. Im not a heavy smoker and my friends smoke marijuana around me and I try to get away. Im not a big smoker I smoke rarely like every once in a while. Im trying to get a job soon and want to be ready when Im trying to get it. Meaning my whole system clean. What should I do? Please help. Thank You.
While the legal gap decreases with every state victory, there remains a prevalent misconception that marijuana is a... Read More »
[repostus jump=4 hash=2ba4339e37d12de1593d7755ef0dcbe9 title=Michigan+Lawmakers+Pushing+Bill+to+Lift+Marijuana+Prohibition%2C+Bipartisan+Support short=1GrhV snip=By+Ali+Papademetriou+House+Bill+4623+would+greatly+lessen+the+penalty+for+being+in+possession+of+small+amounts+of+marijuana+in+the+state+of+Michigan%2C+making+it+only+a+civil+violation+rather+than+criminal.+The+bill+was+introduced+in+April+by+Representative+Jeff+Irwin+and+is+co-sponsored+by+Representatives%26hellip%3B thumb=5920338] Read More »
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lots of water. hit up a gnc and just ask the person working there (assuming youre not trying to get a job there)
drink A LOT of fruit juice, preferably citrus juice, like lemonade or orange juice.
and DO NOT UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCE try any of the chemical “system cleaners.” they literally shut down your kidneys.
Drink lots of water, work out and get a good sweat going everyday. If you have access to a sauna use it. If you don’t use very much weed and you are not overweight , you should be able to get your system clean in a few weeks.
They have a test kit at the pharmacy you can buy to test your pee for marijuana, that way you will know if your are clean or not. The kit is about twenty dollars I think.
Wait the 30 days.
The tests have gotten much smarter in recent years and they test for drinking too much water, and they test for many of the “over the counter clearing agents” too. People here will tell you to drink gallons of liquid and work out to sweat it out, but it doesn’t really work. There’s always enough of a trace that you fail the test. Oh, and don’t bother with “at home” tests. They are not even close to as sensitive as the real thing. Some places now take pee and HAIR, which goes back 6 months.
since its for a job and not for the state (probation and parole) i would have a friend give you a clean sample and pull the old switcheroo in the bathroom. if you’re feeling extra sneaky you can try to attach it to your inner thigh in case they feel like making you empty your pockets first
I believe in natural detox. Natural detox is a method where you consume natural things such as herbs, fruits, veggies, etc to cleanse your system of things that will not keep your body healthy. This detox helps eliminate bacteria in the system, rids your body of a good amount of natural body toxins (which, with our average diet, happens to stick in our system quite a bit longer than they’re supposed to), and gets rid of excess heavy metals in your body.
First and foremost, I recommend apple cider vinegar. Any naturalist will say that apple cider vinegar helps cure everything. While it doesn’t, it does help your body move things out of your body much faster. Have a shot of apple cider vinegar with every meal. People will hate you for your breath and you will be cranky from tasting such a foul thing, but in the end a no-marijuana body is well worth it.
Secondly, juice. I mean the real-deal juice. The ones you make at home with those fruit juicers. Citrus fruits are probably the best way to go. They have tons of vitamins and the pulp provides decent fiber. Naturalists often recommend juicing as a means of natural detox since a lot of other methods are hard to keep up with.
Thirdly, water. Drinking and excess amount may be bad and I don’t recommend it, but drinking your recommended dosage of water will indeed help flush your system faster and drug tests can’t fault you for drinking a recommended dosage of water.
Fourthly, avoid fatty foods. Fatty foods tend to make a ton of the chemicals in your body just stick there. Having fatty foods will surely keep the toxins from marijuana in your system. Avoid cheese before your test and burgers. Try eating salads and breads with cold cuts if you need it. Avoid the fast food restaurant as well. Cheese is rich in trans-fat which just doesn’t come out of your system, period.
Lastly, eat a bit less. The less your body has to work on to flush out, the faster your body works to flush out what’s there.
And just a tip: buy yourself from a drug store a home testing kit just to make sure. Do it halfway on your diet (which would be two weeks, I assume), to see where you are with this diet. I believe this method should work fine. If people get rid of the common cold with this diet in two days, I think you can manage a marijuana detox in a month. And don’t forget to poop regularly.