Different types of hookahs can be made from glass, crystal and other materials. Explore different types of hookahs with tips from a hookah bar owner in this free video on hookah smoking. Expert: Nate Porter Bio: Nate Porter is the owner of The Hookah Bar and Grill in Murray, Utah. Filmmaker: joseph wilkins
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@JohnCalliano i know what Argeeleh is and in Most of the middle east its called Argeeleh. I live in the Middle east so i think i know more about what its called here.
and i’v smoked alot longer than 45 mins, i use to smoke it with friends for whole nights changing heads. and it it Depends on the tobacco you smoke how heavy it is. some tobaco feels like nothing while others u can’t take a puf without coughing and will get u dizzy really fast
That’s totally bullshit. It’s called SHISHA in the middle east. Also it can be called narghile in some european countries. In America it’s called Hookah or sometimes waterpipe. And comparing it to ciggarets is totally stupid. There less necotine in shisha tobacco than in real ciggaretes and it filters much much better in the water than anywhere else. If you dont belive me – smoke a hookah for 45 minutes and then smoke a pack of ciggarets and compare your feelings)
Its bad, smoking is bad, but hookahs look so awesome
Why shoul I?
@Skata215 quit fucking complaning asshole.
I’m fuckin sick of watching different videos. Put it into one video u dumbass
will u sell any?
at least he’s smoking out of a Mya Colossus.. He prolly doesn’t even know it’s called that.. HAHA
Why not go over it in this segment? Your video was only :53 seconds!
@JohnCalliano i know what Argeeleh is and in Most of the middle east its called Argeeleh. I live in the Middle east so i think i know more about what its called here.
and i’v smoked alot longer than 45 mins, i use to smoke it with friends for whole nights changing heads. and it it Depends on the tobacco you smoke how heavy it is. some tobaco feels like nothing while others u can’t take a puf without coughing and will get u dizzy really fast
That’s totally bullshit. It’s called SHISHA in the middle east. Also it can be called narghile in some european countries. In America it’s called Hookah or sometimes waterpipe. And comparing it to ciggarets is totally stupid. There less necotine in shisha tobacco than in real ciggaretes and it filters much much better in the water than anywhere else. If you dont belive me – smoke a hookah for 45 minutes and then smoke a pack of ciggarets and compare your feelings)
Well, its crystal and its really expensive. And its made of crystal, so its heavy. And expensive.
Crystal crystal.
this is so mad.. this dude is gonna die if he doesnt stop.. and he needs to quit promoting this cuz he is killing everybody else
i get mine for ffree niqqas
These are very very expensive… Yeah right. They are just generic chinese shit quality hookahs they bought online from eBay. Thumbs up if you agree…
1) Hold your breath.
2) Copy all of these steps.
3) Go to two other video.
4) Paste it in the comments.
If you can do all of this without breathing you’re a good pot smoker
can someone please explain to me: is there like a filter between the pipe and the bowl? if not wont the tobacco get into the pipe?
is it e or just after 0:17 did a phone go off like doo doo doo doo
does expertvillage ever have any videos that actually teach you something? More info c’mon now
ahhhhhhhhhh i wanna go to a hookah bar
@Eduardoquiroga1 FYI i DGAF
hookahs are for pussys get a Bong take a good Hit inhale exhale and your worries go up in smoke
@zeroxxxask Its not weed it’s tobbaco. DICK HEAD
where is your hookah bar at? i would love to go their and check it out
@HitmanGTA4 actually he says in another video his place is 21+ and he also said the legal smoking age was 19 instead of 18