Hookah and Pot/Weed/Marijuana, etc…?

Hookah and Pot/Weed/Marijuana, etc…?

-Are Hookah and Weed the same thing, meaning they both have the same effects?

-Is Hooka apart of a religion? I wanna say that it is, and that it’s some sort of thing in India?

-If Weed isn’t like it, then what effects does Hookah have?

-Do you get “high”?

-If you do, how long does the high last?

-Legal or illegal here in the US?

-I read one someone else’s question that “Hookah isn’t a drug”. Is that true?

I think that anything that can alter your mind and mood is a drug.
OH wow… lol I’ve always thought it was something you smoke, not something you smoke in… What do you smoke in it?

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