Hookah and Pot/Weed/Marijuana, etc…?

-Are Hookah and Weed the same thing, meaning they both have the same effects?
-Is Hooka apart of a religion? I wanna say that it is, and that it’s some sort of thing in India?
-If Weed isn’t like it, then what effects does Hookah have?
-Do you get “high”?
-If you do, how long does the high last?
-Legal or illegal here in the US?
-I read one someone else’s question that “Hookah isn’t a drug”. Is that true?
I think that anything that can alter your mind and mood is a drug.
OH wow… lol I’ve always thought it was something you smoke, not something you smoke in… What do you smoke in it?
A hookah is a device you smoke out of, it’s not a drug
i know one kinda of hooka is a bong, weed is illegal ALMOST everwhere, the high lasts depending on the amount and potency of the weed you smoke, and yes when you smoke weed you get high, if not it must be some pretty bunk weed.
okay…a hookah is a type of pipe that you are supposed to smoke flavoured tabacco out of. most commonly used to smoke weed though. you get little pucks in various flavours that burn with the weed.
A hookah is a bong-like aparatus that you smoke flavored tobacco out of i.e. cherry, vanilla, etc. I suppose you could put weed in there if you wanted to. Not part of a religion, I believe they originated in the Middle East. If you put pot in there I guess you could get high. Hookahs are legal here, but pot is illegal
– NO. Hookah is a device for smoking. Weed is what you smoke – or tobacco.
– It could possibly have something to do with religoin in a foreign country (foreign to the USA).
-You get high if you smoke weed from the hookah, but many places smoke tobacco from hookah’s
-The length of time the high lasts depends on you and the product. it can vary greatly.
-Hookah’s are legal the sell and own in the US for tobacco purposes. Weed is illegal.
-True. Hookah is not a drug, its an object. It can be used to smoke drugs, but it can also be used to smoke tobacco, which is not a drug.
Hookah is object you smoke from.. the majority of the time you smoke shisha (flavored Tobacco) out of it.. but some people smoke weed out of it…
The hookah with shisha is used greatly in India, it is something they do as a part of their every day life.
Hookah is smoother and tastes good depending on what flavor shisha you get.. It makes you light headed depending on your tollerance.. It also enhances your drunkness.. and if you add vodka in the bass of it, it will get your drunk/light headed…
In a way yes it gets you high (light headed/relaxed)
That feeling lasts about 20-40 min after a good smoke
Hookah/Shisha is Leal in the US
If you consider cigarettes or cigars a drug, then yes hookah smoking is a drug.
It relaxes you so with what you think is a drug.. it is a drug
A Hookah is like a big pipe, used for smoking tobacco. Its not a drug. It is legal. I doesn’t get you high, unless you put weed in it.