Hemptations with Ron Alcalay, MA, Ph.D. (UC Berkeley) discusses Hemp as alternative energy

Ron Alcalay, MA, Ph.D. (UC Berkeley), taught literature and film history for ten years before falling in love with hemp clothing. Through an uncanny series of events, he found himself the owner of a hemp clothing company. He now designs, manufactures and distributes vital hemptations hemp clothing full time, as well as serving as a “hempjucator,” helping the public understand the quality, value, and many uses of the hemp plant with the aim of re-legalizing the cultivation of industrial hemp in the USA.
i teach energy cultivation
If we had hemp growing all over the place wouldn’t it cross pollinate with the really good stuff and like cause a reduction in production? Sincerely…
You tell ’em, Ronny!
Go Hemp!
Go bears, Ron!