hemp jewlery and other jewlery ideas?

I am starting on my christmass presents. I always make them handmade and this year my new thing is jewelry. I’m really into the whole making jewelry thing. Hemp has been my recent project. I make a tom of hemp jewelry and I really want to make them for christmass presents this year. can you help me by giving me some ideas for differnt styles. I want it to be casual not to dressy. Other easy jewlery ideas that are not hemp are good to. Please nothing to complex. Thanks for your help!
have you checked out this website? http://www.firemountaingems.com/
they have some easy to follow projects and tutorials for a wide variety of techniques. I haven’t used it much lately but found it really useful when just starting out. My current thing is bead weaving as it’s a bit more challenging than the basics and I’m starting to get commission work for it!