Hella Trees: Wiz Khalifa & Berner “Smokers Blog” (Behind The Scenes Rolling Papers Tour)

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@MRsteezy123 wat are they and where can i get em?
@420Abril its called a trip stick
song at 2:24 i need to know ittt!
berner from the bay,we be smokin on all that shit daily. from the weed store.
Check my vids out.. At keepkush1
dam i wish i can smoke with wiz khalifa..
Shit just give me the roaches and I’ll be happy! I’m just saying!
@captainpoopypants1 prob cost more than your life.
i think that bag of hydro costs more than my car lol
im smokin herbs this friday throw dem liter’s up.
O.T.T.R. Instrumental on deck
@robertm32100 its a song from “taylor Land” it hasnt dropped
Galaxy to galaxy
@robertm32100 i know that the beat is from regulators. something like that. with warren g, but i don’t know what chevy’s song called.
@robertm32100 yea i know
come watch my videos i smoke about the same as wiz but bymyself
anybody know what that thing is that guy starts smoking at 11:14 and wiz at 11:44?
they ova there smoking kush and purp i got this domb ass mids
what are those hash oil things called ????
1:48 guy in background wearing an illuminati T-shirt while listening to John in the background… dam Wiz in illuminati too? shiit and if u dont know what i mean by John its lil waynes song check the video he has the same shit. FUCK ILLUMINATI
I got my lunch! haha! 1:25
berner knows the buds.. but hes SO fuckin annoying
@TheMyss26 hahah hell yea
ahah look at Germ