Healthiest Way To Smoke Weed (HD)
Is this a good vap for Marijuana? How good is it and how high do you get? Read More »
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i see your danscomp calender haha do you ride.
Yo duders, if you havent smoked from a vap, “highly” recommend it. 😉
what about a vape?
you should change the month on your calendar!
Diggin tha song
Wats it called?
SOUL REBEL, BOB MARLEY lol hell yeah
@BboiElite he is vaporizing it schmuck
healthiest? that just reminds me of my friend Ricky who used a Vape with a Bong, Medically when he had Colon Cancer 2 years ago… HE BEAT IT!!! all thanks to cannabis slowing down the cancers growth
whats with the screaming in the beginning lol
ummh it would be un-healthy to NOT smoke weed
If you worry about your lungs, make food out of your bud. Eating it gets you sooo stoned haha full body highs.
anal tincture…never tried it should work great….
@WeBeChillin420 wat wat? is that a danscomp calender in the back, hah kleann, stay fit!
mystery cloud.
whoa vaporizer and bong thats awesome
@ConnorFergusonRules cools the smoke and filters out the tar u would get in a joint or blunt. wen u smoke out of a glass bong its the healthiest way to smoke short of using a vaporizer
@ConnorFergusonRules it also purifies the smoke. but copphomie basically said it all
@ConnorFergusonRules no problem at all
@coophomie ok, thanks alot that rly helped 🙂
@ConnorFergusonRules hey, the water in a bong is meant for 2 reasons. 1, to cool the smoke so when it enters ur throat lungs, etc. it doesnt burn as much. (also which helps is an ice catcher. 2 is removes all the ash like when u smoke a pipe, some of the ashes can be sucked in. hope i helped
can somone help, wot does the water do in a bong ??
Actually, the healthiest way to smoke weed is to vaporize it… You’re causing combustion when you ignite it which allows the carcinogens in the plant material to escape, that’s what causes cancer and other things such as asthma. When you vaporize you release (almost) only pure THC AND you get the most out of it because there is no fire causing chemical reactions to change it’s chemical makeup. :-p
you know what that bong needs? water.
I don’t know if you know this…and I’m not saying you “suck” or whatever. But when you exhale vapor its actually a waste since it’s all THC.
damn dude lol you slammed that glass into the slide