Growing Marijuana* Time Laps Days 1-10

Growing Marijuana. Days 1 -10 in HD time laps. Good for any new grower to see. Enjoy the seeds cracking open on the first day… Burying it’s roots into the soil… Watch the early leaf sprout & grow as the stem stretches towards the light… See them join the earlier cuttings from the white widow under the HPS as they start to grow in time together. Seeds Grown: Kali Mist, AK47, Train wreck, Bubble Cheese, Northern Lights, Auto Flowering, Music: Frame Drum (J) Peace & Pot. J growing marijuana, growing cannabis, growing weed, planting marijuana, planting cannabis, planting marijuana seeds, planting cannabis seeds, marijuana grows, indoor marijuana growing, growing marijuana indoors, time laps marijuana grow, time laps cannabis grow, how to grow marijuana, how to grow cannabis.
why are they moving like that lol
u need to bring your light in, thats some bad stretching, i know u can’t get a 400 watt too close on youngens but try around 25 inch away at first, and try to get a metal halide bulb, HPS bulbs induce stretching, so u gotta get the light as close as possible w/o burning it.
drop the light closer to them..they are stretching way to far
@smith480314 you cant tell if they are male or feamle untill they are about 3 month old
they move like like those arabian cobras when they sing to them i bet u singed to ur plants huh. lol
dude your should lower your light..
the plants are stretching now the should be way lower
and not that long and thing
i m not an englische person sow it s hard to discribe:P
one love
You can tell this guy is a stoner cause he did not even graduate school. It’s time lapse. Not laps you retard. And what’s with all the bugs on that shit???
No it’s cocaine
is that white stuff fertilizer
@RunThemAll fag
am i the only one that grows it outside ?
watching weed grow is so interesting
im on my first grow right now!
I’m calling the cops!
@smith480314 – these are all female.
which ones in this video r male, and which ones are females????
they look like there dancing
.. Yup i nutted
Just put my plants in jiffy pots, any sugestions its my first time. Please
where do u buy ur seeds?
where do u buy ur seeds?
@kingebta – 6 plants @ the back r white widow & the others r Kali mist, Big Budah bubble gum, Northeern lights, auto flower & train wreck.
what kind of weed are you growing?
@jmurp70 thanks! i appreciate the help.
@therealbillybeans – yes dude, separate them.