Growing Marijuana Information

With a decision to start growing marijuana or growing your own medical marijuana garden there are important facts that you must follow before you get started. First, one of the most important things that you must do is have permission to grow in your town and be a licensed medical marijuana patient.
There are different laws around the world for marijuana cultivation so find out what you have to do to be legal in your area. Also make sure that you are growing only the amount of plants that is required by law, if all medical marijuana growers follow the law there is a better chance that one day this beautiful herb will be legal for medical patients around the world.
When starting you own medical garden whether it be indoors or outdoors it’s a good idea to find a good grow store or hydroponic store in your area. When starting your garden there are a list of materials that you must acquire to get started. Also locate a welding store in your area to find out how to purchase co2 tanks if growing indoors, co2 plays a big part in potent medical marijuana.
Some of the basic supplies that are a must when you grow marijuana, and it consists of :
Good Soil – good soil is a must when growing marijuana, I use an organic mix with my seedlings and clones that has enough nutrients to feed the plant up to 30 days then I transplant the plant in to a bigger container and switch to an organic soil less medium that is made up of different components such as moss and peat which contains no nutrients so I can add in my own.
Proper Nutrients – a plant must eat, just as you do, to thrive an stay alive especially when the plants are in the budding stage. Do some research and find a good nutrient base for the vegetative stage as well as the flowering stage. You can find marijuana nutrients online or at your local hydroponic store.
Plastics Containers- In a marijuana plants life it will be transplanted 3 times. It will start in a small plastic cup whether started from seed or clone for 20-30 day to build the root structure, then it will be transplanted into a 1 gallon plastic pot/container for another 20-30 days to build the root structure even more. The bigger the roots the bigger the fruits! After the 30 days your plant will then make its journey to a 5–20 gallon pot/container to finish out its life cycle.
HID Grow Lights- if growing indoors it’s a must that you purchase good lights that can put off enough lumen to grow big beautiful buds. HID stand for high intensity discharge lamp which comes in two forms one being medal halide which is used in the vegetative stage and the other is a high pressure sodium lamp which is only used in the flowering stage. The lamps range in wattage ranging from 250 – 1000 watts. Also do some research and find out which lamp will work best for you and the space that you have to work with.
Circular Fans- it’s good to have multiple fans in your grow room to keep the fresh air circulating and help keep the temperature in the room from getting too hot.
Wall Timers- wall timers are used for the lights in the different growth stages, when the plants are in the vegetative stage the timers need to be set to turn the lights on for 18 hrs and shut the lights off for 6 and in the flowering stage the timers are set to go on for 12 hrs and go off for 12 hrs imitating the short days of autumn to induce flowering.
Temperature and Humidity Gauge- in the grow room it’s important to keep the temperature and the humidity at a steady number. When the plants are in the vegetative stage the humidity can be higher like 50%-75% but when in the flowering room we don’t want mold to grow on the buds so we keep the humidity around 30%. The temperature in both rooms should always be between 75-80 degrees, if the temperature fluctuates too much the plant will be effected.
There is a quick list of some things that are needed when starting your own medical garden. There are a lot of other very important factors that come in to play when growing your own medicine that’s why its important to do your research and find out all the ins and outs on growing marijuana.
Jay Chavez is an expert on growing medical marijuana. For more great information on growing marijuana, visit