Grow Vegetables with ((NO)) Commerical Fertilzers or Pestisides – Permaculture Practices

Permaculture garden located in DeRidder Louisiana. No insectisides or commercial fertilizers were used. Garden was planted late in the season, yet continues to grow; no frost yet. Rabbit and chicken waste and coffee grounds were used to nourish plants. Glass clippings, leaves, newspapers, and cardboard boxes were used to feed the worms and keep the grass/weeds out and help to lock in moisture. Planted: corn, squash, brocolli, cantalope, turnips, zuccinni, sunflowers, okra. Youtube has a many videos featuring successful and world famous Permaculturists; Bill Mollison, David Holmgern, Ruth Stout, Geoff Lawton, Fukuoka, Sepp H., and others. Each are very skiiled and successful gardeners with much knowledge to share. Gardening without insectisides or commercial fertilizers is a part of Permculture practices which go beyound organic. Permacuture provides nutritious, poison free food and is actually good for the earth as it has been modeled after nature itself. One Permaculturist even turn a dessert into a lush garden – Geoff Lawton. His successful is documented in a video on Youtube “Green the Dessert.” Happy Gardening! Background music info: Free download on Youtube’s music list Yancy Goes Honky Tonk artist: Hugo Montenegro album: Boogie Woogie & Bongos length: 2:34 label: Time Records genre: Jazz DeRidder Louisiana in Beauregard Parish Nov 8th 2009 Update
Good point.
Thank you.
using empty glass jars is much bettet than using plastic cups for mother earth, thanks for sharing…thanks for trying
Awsome this my first year starting a totaly organic permaculture inspired garden, it exciting to see how others are doing! If you like I have got videos of some of my projects to, please check it out.
Keep up the great work!
In practing permacluture, I’m not using chemicals, and I’m and using kitchen scraps, grass clippings, and rainwater catchment; all things natural which are good for the earth and people.
I’m really @ peace with this and truely appreciate all the great permaculture videos posted on Youtube. I’ve learned so much.
Thanks for your comments.
You may want to watch videos with the Permaculturists then: Bill Millison, Ruth Stout, Fukuoka, Geoff Lawton, and Sepp H.
Happy Gardening.
You know,I have to say,I’m not real impressed with these results.
permaculture is mostly a for sale deal ,just like what they preach so aginst it
You’re right! Thanks for pointing that out. Would you like to post a couple of comments on design?
Your post is appreciated.
Permaculture is more than “gardening without insectisides or commercial fertilizers”. What you have described is organic gardening. Permaculture is about design, not just organic growing.