Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger “Legalize Marijuana” —Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger talks about legalizing marijuana. —Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger talks about legalizing marijuana.
Medical Marijuana is advancing in Illinois. Check out the latest story from NY Times: SPRINGFIELD, Ill. — The... Read More »
Kansas appeals court addresses medical marijuana issue for travelers March 15. By TONY RIZZO. The Kansas City Star.... Read More »
Foxborough Needs to Establish Medical Marijuana District Following AG's Ruling “Unless somebody can articulate something specific I think... Read More »
Drug War ?
The first casualties of any war, are innocent bystanders.
Are your believes in what YOU think is right and wrong more important than the deaths of innocent people.
Didn´t America try to ban booze, and learned nothing from it…… ?
And why people who want to buy cannabis MUST intercourse with a mafia, thereby putting themselves at risk and are wary of police persecution? Is it not better if they ACQUIRE Cannabis special place by the State. Where are DIRTY MONEY? Why ordinary people can not engaged in this business, plant seeds, watered, grow, harvest, delivered to the state and thereby earn a living CLEAN MONEY.
@8383Brian hahaha shut the fuck up nigga ha smoke weed homeboy it wont do nothing but just get you high
one day it will be legal world wide theres too much money to be made from it and they’ll need and want their cut out of it
@8383Brian nicotine is a drug, caffeine is a drug, alcohol is a drug. your probly a drug user! shut the fuck up and stop living your life closeminded because that all youve known. youve clearly never smoked trees in your life
Texas needs a governor like Arnold.. lol
He signed the bill today. Time to move to cali. Way to go Governator.
@Noahthebeast09 if u want to get high u smoke the bud because it has about 20x more thc or summin
Why not smoke both? They both have THC in them.
@Noahthebeast09 i think there are some people who smoke the leaf but tbh your better off smoking the bud because of the THC level.
I thought you smoked both.
@Noahthebeast09 nope you smoke the buds my friend
Yeah you do you smoke the dried marijuana leaves.
@Noahthebeast09 you dont smoke the leaves
@g3baldridge what? he wants it to be legal…he smoked in that movie
You either make alcohol illegal, or make weed legal. It’s that simple..
your more coordinated and self aware smoking weed than drinking alcohol.
This was a good answer. It shows that he is open.
Arnold Schwarzenegger Is a hypocrite!
Forget Pumping Iron Movie You Made?
What country that has decriminalized marijuana not happy? I mean, think about it?
this is the first time Arnold actually makes cense, this is an issue that needs to be taken seriously. The argument is out there, and we cant ignore it by put it aside.
I agree with your argument but please sound more intelligent there is already an unreasonable stereotype about occasional marijuana smokers. Alcohol not Alkohol
i like ya style!
8383 Brian if you don’t want to use marijuana then don’t use marijuana. I don’t personally use it. Besides Texas doesn’t have less of a drug problem because it’s drug laws are stricter than California’s. It makes ME sick that you want to continue the drug war, when we haven’t benefited from it after 30 years. The only thing we have done is overcrowded our prisons, and wasted billions of OUR dollars on TRYING to force people to stop smoking bags of fucking leaves.
Its time to Legalize It!
oh fuck you brian pot is the same bad ad beer if not better and we all know how the people int exas like to get down drinking is a family tradition and so is sleeping with your relatives. see i can be ignorant too.