Getting something expunged from my record?
I recently have been convicted of possession of marijuana and was told I will have it expunged from my record as soon as I complete my 12 hours of community service. So right now I am studying to be a pharmacy tech and I was told I cannot get a job at all if I have convictions, and was told even if I have it expunged my conviction will be on my record still. That doesn’t make sense, I just want someone to tell me the truth, please, help me.
Expunging a record removes the charge and all subsequent actions from public viewing and places it in a sealed area accessible only to law enforcement and the court system.
Unfortunately, any applications to child care, pharmacy or hospital employment and employment within law enforcement allows for an enhanced search which will include any and all sealed files that have been expunged.
If you have been told that any convictions will exclude you, you can explain what has happened, but you already received your answer in advance. Pharmacy employment involves working with restricted drugs and most employers will not take any chances with persons that have drug convictions.
I know it isn’t the answer you want to hear, but this is standard within that field of employment.
Best of luck and I hope this is useful to you