Gertrude Michael – Sweet Marihuana (1934)

A “Sweet and Smoking” Production Number from 1934
A “Sweet and Smoking” Production Number from 1934
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Small plot, Aussie Outdoor Marijuana grow opp. Australia 2009 – 2010. I will be uploading updates to this... Read More »
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Didn’t Bette Midler cover this one?
Dang! Pot & boobies, what could be better?
eww…stinky pits at 1:25? o.O
@carbonatodelitio…are you hard of hearing? can’t you just listen to get the lyrics?
ohhh thast great, anyone have the the lirics of the song?
Thanks for sharing this awesome material edmundusrex, really appreciate this video and its wondeful music
Man they should bring those days back
Save the economy
Stop a shit load of crime and everycunt would be happy xD
From Murder at the Vanities-1934. The opening scene shows Victor Mc Laglen (from John Ford Westerns opposite John Wayne). Weed was used a lot in the 30’s. Imagine alchohol being illegal (Prohibition) and pot being legal!
Ah!, the good ole days.
Dr. Anderson this is the most awesome assignment EVER. Makes me want to just light one up. Unfortunately this is about 10 minutes before my Modern Physics class and that would thus be a really bad idea.
a good song…
very good, very good…