George Washington smoked marijuana, as did many of the founding fathers?are you going to call them criminals?

George Washington smoked, dealed and grew marijuana on his farm and he promoted it’s growth, he was a stoner, as were many of the founding fathers, who enjoyed smoking a joint.
Are current “war on drugs” would have had George Washington and the founding fathers labeled as criminals..!
This is why drug laws were unconstitutionally passed only until 1914s and then in the 70s with the “war on drugs” which is really” the war on civil liberties”.The founding fathers knew and respected the use of drugs, they would be appalled to find out whats going in this country today, with “the war on drugs”.
No, it wasn’t illegal then.
The hemp used to make rope in George Washington’s day, is not the marijuana hemp you apparently enjoy. The hemp used to make rope cannot get you high, it doesn’t have enough THC.
Nice reach though.
Even if George Washington smoked marijuana, it doesn’t change the fact we now know through scientific means the negative effects drugs have on society and the human body, knowledge that did not exist in George Washington’s time.
Cocaine/Opium were legal and very popular at one time, doesn’t mean we should make them legal today.
Your argument is flawed.
They also owned slaves back then, which is illegal now. Do we label them criminals for that?
A crime depends on the current laws, not the past laws. You understand? So, if George were to show up here in a time machine smoking a fattie, he would still go to jail. (or at least pay a ticket)
It seems to me that you’re looking for any excuse to support your drug habit. When we pick you up on skid row (which is really where we’ll find you), we’ll take you to rehab and see if you can cut it as a man.
Theres leaders today that think marijuana should be legal such chris dodd,drew carey,the price is right, keep the criminal institutions strong,support your local bar association.
Could you imagine it being legal to grow your own, what fun would that be, no drug wars, there would be less to watch on the news. Besides others have higher moral issues. Drunk fatalities are far more interesting than where are the stoners