Full 911 recording – Guy calls 911 about pot
www.FAILocracy.com Dispatcher 911, What’s the location of your emergency? Caller: Well, let’s not get into that yet. I have a question. Dispatcher: Is this an emergency sir? Caller: Depends…um, not really. Dispatcher: If it’s not an emergency, you don’t call 911 sir. Caller: I have a legal question. Dispatcher: Well, it’s not…is this an emergency? Caller: I don’t know what that means. Dispatcher: Is it life-threatening, or an active crime in progress? Caller: Crime in progress, possibly. Dispatcher: What’s going on? Caller: I was just growing some marijuana. I was just wondering what the, how much, you know, trouble you get into for one plant. Dispatcher: You’re growing marijuana and you want to know how…depends on how big the plant is. Caller: It’s only a seedling. Dispatcher: Well, it’s possession. Caller: Okay. Dispatcher: You can get pinched for a roach in a car. Caller: Okay. (pause) Alright, thanks for the info. Dispatcher: You’re welcome. Caller: Goodbye.
………uh…….it’s just a seedling……uh…and there we have it. The nominee for the Dumb Ass of the Century Award goes to….!
How can this dude get through life? I do believe that people getting hung up on “how bad pot is” is stupid, but this guy just gives anti-pot people too much ammunition. THINK, you jerk-off! Great video dude.
@sunglassesnlipgloss My thoughts exactly! 😛 That’s part of the reason I just played the original clip in this video.
@RobNLynchburgVA haha, yeah, well, he might have to quit now that his plant has been confiscated.
@BSbusters I know what you mean. I lost most of my faith in humanity when I worked taking orders at McDonalds through high school.
He’s too stupid to be let loose on the streets anyway. I work with the public myself and have to deal with all types of assorted half wits. Beggars belief how dumb some people really are.
This is my favorite 911 call EVER! Thanks for sharing; you really know how to brighten up a sub-zero Wednesday morning (even though you posted this on Tuesday).
That’s the sort of thing you do after having an 18-pack of beer, not after smoking marijuana.
I love to smoke but this guy needs to quit if he’s really that stupid already.
Hurr Durr
Seriously? My mind can’t even…How dumb…SERIOUSLY????