Free Marc Emery!

In this video Peter “Jaws” Jaworski, editor of, gives background about pro-freedom activist Marc Emery, who earlier this year was extradited from Canada to the US at the request of the DEA for selling marijuana seeds. Marc faces five years in prison. Who is the victim? For more on his situation, check out http and http http
this is fucking amazing jaws is my fucking philosophy teacher
Free Marc!
What a shame!
When will they let us grow and smoke peacefully?
Legalize Ganja all over the world
Another great example of how “free” America is. Liberty my ass. I’m pretty sure we aren’t free to do shit. Marijuana grows where I live. I’m not even allowed to pick the plant out of the ground. Fuck all this control. Where is my liberty? Where is my freedom to choose what I get from nature, consume, or produce? I shouldn’t have to subscribe to these bullshit laws, especially when I’d rather not even be a citizen here. Unfortunately I was born here and I really dislike it.
@JodieEmery Thanks for the info – let’s get Marc outta that cage and back home!
Sentencing is set for September 10th in downtown Seattle federal court. Go to FreeMarc-dot-ca for information about how to help Marc!
38 minutes ago
Good work guys Peter and Pete! This is the US police state at work.
Legalize/Decriminalize marijuana and other drugs and free Marc and all others incarcerated for “crimes” related to these drugs.
@iferraro Thanks! But it was actually me (Pete) and Adam Mueller doing Liberty On Tour and our bud Peter “Jaws” Jaworski who was featured in the vid.
This is bullshit. FREE MARC!!!!!