‘Free Marc Emery’ Activists Occupy Prime Minister Stephen Harper’s Office

‘Free Marc Emery’ Activists Occupy Prime Minister Stephen Harper’s Office

Join the Worldwide Rally For Marc Emery – MAY 22, 2010 www.cannabisculture.com From CTV: There was a sit in at the prime minister’s constituency office on Wednesday. At 1p.m., demonstrators entered the Calgary office and explained they would be staying until the end of the business day. Those who took part saw it as a non-violent way to protest the pending extradition of Marc Emery. Emery is the self-proclaimed Prince of Pot. In days, he is expected to be extradited to the United States for selling marijuana seeds. Emery’s wife was part of Wednesday’s protest. Jodie Emery says the occupation is a symbolic gesture and the right of every Canadian no matter what their issue may. “These are public spaces paid for by us, employees are paid by our tax payers dollars, these spaces are owned by us.” There were a total of five peaceful occupations across the country on Wednesday. Two took place in Ontario; one was in Kelowna; and one was in Vancouver. calgary.ctv.ca

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