‘Free Marc Emery’ Activists Occupy Prime Minister Stephen Harper’s Office

Join the Worldwide Rally For Marc Emery – MAY 22, 2010 www.cannabisculture.com From CTV: There was a sit in at the prime minister’s constituency office on Wednesday. At 1p.m., demonstrators entered the Calgary office and explained they would be staying until the end of the business day. Those who took part saw it as a non-violent way to protest the pending extradition of Marc Emery. Emery is the self-proclaimed Prince of Pot. In days, he is expected to be extradited to the United States for selling marijuana seeds. Emery’s wife was part of Wednesday’s protest. Jodie Emery says the occupation is a symbolic gesture and the right of every Canadian no matter what their issue may. “These are public spaces paid for by us, employees are paid by our tax payers dollars, these spaces are owned by us.” There were a total of five peaceful occupations across the country on Wednesday. Two took place in Ontario; one was in Kelowna; and one was in Vancouver. calgary.ctv.ca
I’ll say it: Harper’s actions are treasonous! He sold out a Canadian politician to his right-wing fundamentalist Christian brethren. Harper was in lock step with Bush. Emery offended drug czar John P.Walters when Emery and his crew bought a seat at a table and heckled Walters mercilessly. I believe that action in particular set the wheels in motion to get Emery.
Now I know that Marc can seem obnoxious even to his supporters; that doesn’t change the fact that he undertook a dangerous mission.
@ddpsp I wrote that comment 5 months ago. It seems like 5 years because my opinions have evolved so much. Before, I might have thought that piece of shit Harper was merely a bad politician. Now I get that this is part of a program to desensitize people to literally any outrage.
Hemp is too useful in too may ways and too easily produced to be allowed by big business, so Harper must betray Canada to global superfascism. He’s a traitor.
Conglomerates can leave no place can safe from tyranny.
@JesusDillinger Before Stephen Harper, Canada was widely regarded as America’s little brother. After Stephen Harper, Canada was widely regarded as the whimpering sex slave America drags around with a collar and leash.
I can only hope this will be how Stephen Harper’s “legacy” is remembered after he returns to the foul, tepid, polluted lake from which he first crawled out, the wretched little fascist fish-face fucker.
@babyshields I met him once in Ontario during a music festival. He was the kindest and most generous man I’ve ever encountered. He is a man of deep conviction who advocates for the rights of Canadian citizens to enjoy their personal sovereignty and self-determination. Before meeting him, I thought he was a compelling activist. After meeting him, I developed a deep admiration for him.
Sorry to say, I only saw Marc Emery in person once. He was rudest person I could imagine. He barged into a meeting at Newlands Golf and Country which was actually for support Groups that help with recovery of addictions. He showed dishonor and disrespect to the seniors and actually said something about health insurance should not be after 65 or some age. He was verbally abusive for no reason. Must have been approximiately 4/5 years ago in Langley, B.C.
i am a us citizen and i want marc to go home
@JesusDillinger That`s because we are, or atleast the people in our government are.
@JesusDillinger LOL!
We need to protest the house in Ottawa
@RevolutionNewz valid point. i am def. against this extradition its bullshit (and im american) the US gvmnt is fucked.
@sleeplessmind over the internet , and through there Book .
Let me get this straight. Emery was not prosecuted by Canada because the “crime” he committed didn’t merit that much attention. But the U.S. wanted him, so Canada turned over one of their own for punishment which they do not believe he merits.
Do you Canadians know how that makes you look? It makes you look like the U.S.’s bitch.
@GnosticNinja share the suppressed knowledge
Thanks ESL, I just love it.
Education is the cure for ignorance!
I say keep it up, if only a handful of peeps “get smart” it would all be worth it.
You’ve empowered me with all your great posts. You’re a big help.
Iam ashamed of being from the US
-“High concentrations of Cannabinoids (Rick Simpson’s Cancer Cure Hemp Oil) activate apoptosis (cell death) in Glioma cells.”
PMID: 18615640
-“Cannabinoid receptor agonists are capable of reducing proliferation & inducing apoptosis in diverse Cancer cells such as Glioma, Breast & Melanoma.”
PMID: 19509271
-“Anandamide has the potential to be an effective therapeutic in Colorectal Cancer.”
PMID: 20514410
-“Cannabinoids induce growth inhibition & apoptosis in Prostate Cancer”
PMID: 19690545
was emery selling seeds over the internet?
Damn i cant beleive i missed this! i wanna go next round!
why should a Canadian be extradited to the U.S.A.?
He paid taxes to the Canadian government for his business and if the Canadian government is willing to take those tax dollars they should also be willing to support a Canadian entrepreneur.
Emery has never been to the US and should not be subject to their tyrannical laws.
Shouldn’t the Canadian tax officials who took his income tax be prosecuted and extradited to the U$A as well?
Karen Tandy of the DEA said it was a blow to the effort ot legalize marijuana. She is just a dumb ass
d’accord; except that it should read FUKKK U$A (as there’s a lot more to America than U$A) (and/or fukkkk NAFTA, WTO, GATS, etc… )
We almost need to start a fund for the prisoners of the Marijuana War, people are being kidnapped daily, look at all of these Marijuana Warriors and learn their stories ! Marc Emery, Lisa “Mamakind” Kirkman and Berry cooper!
America, you need to go protect your OWN borders where the drug war is raging at the Mexico – American border. Canada can deal with its own drug war.
If Marc Emery has committed any crime, then he will be judged by Canadian law. We don’t need America coming in and telling us how to run our judiciary system!
Especially a country where recently a woman got sentenced to life in prison for “forcing a 13 year old to touch her breasts.” We don’t want that justice system!
FUCK AMERICA! We don’t want to become America, we want to stay CANADA.
If my country, Canada, cannot obey its own laws and protect its citizens, why should citizens be obliged to follow the law, where the law isn’t even followed by those running this country? Where’s Canada’s sovereignty? Are we just a bunch of stupid puppets of America?
Canada sent ITS TROOPS, our men and women, to AFGHANISTAN, in retaliation for the terrorist attack in America. We gave help to America. In return we get this?
@mapleloaf67 from the looks of your page you only have white friends. you must be conservative.