Forum Held to Discuss Medical Marijuana Zoning PHOENIX ARIZONA

Forum Held to Discuss Medical Marijuana Zoning PHOENIX ARIZONA

Forum Held to Discuss Medical Marijuana Zoning Updated: Monday, 30 Aug 2010, 7:19 PM MDT Published : Monday, 30 Aug 2010, 7:19 PM MDT PHOENIX – In November, Arizona voters will get another change to vote on legalizing medical marijuana, and the issue is being addressed Monday night at a Phoenix City Council meeting. They are discussing the requirements for medical marijuana dispensaries to operate in the state, so the city can enforce proper zoning. Phoenix Councilwoman Peggy Neely wants to develop a zoning plan before the Nov. 2 election that ensures buffers for neighborhoods, churches, schools, and other sensitive locations. It will guarantee that the city is prepared if the measure is approved. Neighborhood watch groups other members of the community both supporting and opposing the medical marijuana measures are speaking out at the meeting, raising their concerns about where the dispensaries should and should not be located.

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