For Wash. government bean-counter, a pot education

For Wash. government bean-counter, a pot education

For Wash. government bean-counter, a pot education

Now, the married, minivan-driving father of a small child is a weed guy – one of the dozens of Washington state workers involved in the creation and regulation of the nation's first legal marijuana industry. So he spends his days studying a substance …
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Senate panel approves bill making medical marijuana more accessible to kids in New Jersey

Senate panel approves bill making medical marijuana more accessible to kids in New Jersey

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What do you think of this? New Jersey is making headlines: [repostus jump=4 hash=63247e87403ff37282998b252dba1b67 title=Senate+panel+approves+bill+making+medical+marijuana+more+accessible+to+kids short=1Gs8T snip=TRENTON+%E2%80%94+A+Senate+panel+today+cleared+a+bill+that+would+eliminate+bureaucratic+barriers+families+say+have+blocked+minors+from+participating+in+New+Jersey%E2%80%99s+medical+marijuana+program.+The+bill+is+in+response+to+the+plight+of+2-year-old+Vivian+Wilson%2C+who+has+been+diagnosed+with+a+rare+and+potentially%26hellip%3B... Read More »
