Flora Mirabilis: How Plants Have Shaped World Knowledge, Health, Wealth, and Beauty

- ISBN13: 9781426205095
- Condition: NEW
- Notes: Brand New from Publisher. No Remainder Mark.
Amazon. com ReviewBook Description Flora mirabilis a magnificently decorated showcase for the excellent illustrations with fascinating stories of botanical exploration and trade, coupled with the times. A collaboration between National Geographic and the world-renowned Missouri Botanical Garden, this book will be an evergreen source of joy, looking not only for gardeners and flower lovers, but to everyone in the plant world, the human civilization and its in.. . More>>
Flora Mirabilis: How Plants Have Shaped World Knowledge, Health, Wealth, and Beauty
FLORA mirabilis: How plants are the world’s information, health, wealth and beauty, offers a magnificent illustrations SHAPED coupled with stories of botanical exploration and trade through the ages. It is a fine survey of unique collector’s edition illustrated reproductions and offers a variety of designs and botanical explorations equally ideal for special libraries and collections of general botany lending. Rating: 5.5
You can imagine this is an enormous subject in a book to decken.Schade some very interesting people and events were to give such short Erwähnung.die contributions of individual plants made the book worthwhile sich.de pressure was awfully small and hard to reach out for a day to lesen.de value for money. Rating: 5.4
Roughly translated means Flora Mirabilis “is a wonderful book of flowers” and “National Geographic certainly not with this beautifully designed and illustrated history of plants, how our lives have influenced to have enttäuschen.Die Editor along with the Missouri Botanical Garden Library to discuss 200 rare botanical reproduce prints and woodcuts, illustrated beautifully on heavy gloss paper. The story depicts the adventures of the trecherous early plant hunters, the plants from far reaches of the world to modern scientists, the plants use sought for molecular biology, genetics and biochemistry. Sprinkled Throughout the book are time-lines and individual profiles of major plants in botanical history mehr.Ein illustrated, such as wheat, rice, olive oil, tulip, tobacco, coffee, tomatoes, roses, grapes, cotton, apple, potato, orchids and many Another reviewer noted that the chapter Off Trail in mid-sentence. Actually, they were still under the one-page segments on each plant. This is a bit annoying, but otherwise this is a beautifully designed book and full of fascinating Informationen.Rating: 4.5