Family deported after boy’s arrest at school. What’s wrong with that? Shouldn’t criminals be afraid?

Catalina High Magnet School student and his family were deported after school officials found marijuana in his backpack and called Tucson police, who notified the Border Patrol after learning the family was here illegally.
The incident caused concern among immigrant rights advocates, but Tucson police officials say the officer acted appropriately in calling Border Patrol agents to the school.
On Thursday, police responded to Catalina High after school officials found a small amount of marijuana in the backpack of a ninth-grader who appeared to be under the influence, said Chyrl Hill Lander, Tucson Unified School District spokeswoman.
Police asked the boy’s parents to come to the school, at East Pima Street and North Dodge Boulevard.
When the officer asked to see the drivers’ licenses of the boy’s parents, they said they had been living illegally in the United States for six years and that their 17-year-old son and his brother, a 12-year-old sixth-grader at Doolen Middle School, were also here illegally, said Roberto Villaseñor, assistant Tucson police chief.
The officer called the Border Patrol, which sent agents to the school, said Richard DeWitt, Tucson Sector spokesman. They took the boy and his parents into custody and escorted the family from the school, Lander said.
From there, they went to Doolen Middle School, where the couple’s other son was waiting in the principal’s office when the officer and agents arrived, she said.
The mother and two boys were processed and dropped off at the border by the Border Patrol to return to Mexico in a procedure called voluntary return. The father was held for a formal removal — formerly known as a deportation — because he had been apprehended various times by the agency, DeWitt said. Their names were not released.
Police officials and the union said the officer handled the case correctly.
The boy had committed a crime, and the department’s policy allows officers discretion to call the Border Patrol when they suspect someone they encounter is here illegally, Villaseñor said.
“We can’t lose track of the fact that an administrator came across a juvenile who was violating the law, in possession of marijuana,” Villaseñor said. “That is a crime in this country, whether you are here illegally or not.”
But immigrants’ rights groups say allowing immigration officials into schools could create distrust and fear in the immigrant community.
What’s wrong with that? Shouldn’t criminals be afraid?
The whole idea of enforcing the laws is to make the lawbreakers feel uncomfortable and make them change their behavior. Like Leave.
deport all illegals, they BROKE THE LAW, RESPECT OUR LAWS.
I think it’s great. Put a little fear in all of them(illegals) and maybe they won’t stay.
Bravo. Deport. I’m glad to hear of it. They don’t belong here.
Drugs do not belong in schools.
they were prob illegal imagrants and they have to do that or we will be taken over by them
duh it against the law
Something tells me that kid is in for the beating of his life when his father gets to Mexico.
If they had just come legally, the kid would have probably gotten a slap on the wrist fine.
Good for the Arresting Officer.
Nothing is wrong with that, but there are too many people in this country who for some reason think we “owe” all these illegal’s an education, jobs, medical care etc. Enough! It’s time we take care of our own problems and let Mexico take care of theirs.
That’s one way to get rid of the law breakers.
nothing wrong with your report
Damn, Duuuuuuuuuuuuuuude! There goes my supplier, Duuuuuuuuuuuuuuude!
They should be afraid but are not. They are getting more and more vocal about the, “hardships” that they have had to endure. Very seldom do they realize that the majority of their hardships are their own fault for breaking our laws.
I’m not sure why they are worrying about scaring the other illegal immigrants- that doesn’t make any sense. Criminals are more likely to stop doing whatever they are doing that is illegal if the police put pressure on the situation and make a case public so everyone sees what could happen if you are caught. The police followed procedure so they did nothing wrong.
I think that if they want to be in this country so f ing bad then they should spend the energy they spend to get here and do it illegally on doing it legally! seriously it has got to stop. learn English do what you have to do to get a damn green card and then we won’t have issues like this!
hmm, interesting, i do agree with the police on this matter.
I’ve driven without a licence once or twice, do i speed? no.
If your gonna break the law, keep your head low.
What was the police supposed to do? keep that info to themselves?
I have mixed feelings about illegal immigrants, but in this case police handled things wrong.
Till then, Americans can pick their own vegitables.
There’s only 25 million to go it’s a start>>
They handled it properly.
Remember the gang member who killed those 2 girls? He will probably get off on a technicality because things weren’t handled right.
So this was handled properly.
After reading the whole story i gotta say that the only problem i see with this is the profiling done by the officer when he “suspected” that the kid was here illegally. Profiling is not wrong but is inefficient since a lot of times other immigrants say Russians in a similar situation would not have dealt with border patrol. Since the officer would have not make much of it. i would like to know if anyone opposes my view, i really like to read what people think about this.
On a side note i live in WA and we do have Russians and Canadians that live here illegally (as well as mexicans). And yes if they broke the law (beyond crossing illegaly) they should be deported.
No immigrant community of any nationality would become distrustful if they were legal.
One might be sympathetic with the Children. However, the boy who smoked pot in school was not only breaking the law, but flaunting the law as well. He did so knowingly and did so knowing that he was illegal.
One can say it is too bad that the family was deported because it completely disrupted their life. However, Illegal is illegal and not “Rights” group can find reason to interpret the law in any way but right and wrong. In any other nation, these people would be causght and deported as fast as possible. Only the USA allows these people who have entered the country illegally to saty and use the funds provided by legal citizend for welfare, eductaion, drivers licences. Things that legal aliens cannot have, illegals get easily.
You are right. Legal is the right thing and Illegal should be punished by deportation. Trust me, I have been through a couple of accidentl visa overstays and it was absolute hell. There wre some mitigating circumstances but I can tell you the Immegration people made a huge fuss. Illegals – out the door without any delay.
There should be fear in the illegal immigrant community. There is no reason for fear in any other community. They are breaking the law and as such should be deported.
I agree with that. I’m not sure a small amount of marihuana deserves this punishment but certainly for some youngsters and criminals the deterrent needs to be enormous and this I do think could work. At least I would hope people would be smarter than endangering their entire family…… a pipe dream I know.
I think the “immigration rights groups” should just try and get their “people” to get visas and pay taxes.
The police did the right thing, the “immigrants rights” group does not have a leg to stand on. He had drugs at school the fact that he was illegally in the United States was not an issue until after he was caught with drugs. One would think that if you are breaking the law simply by being here that you would make sure not to break any other laws.
Great article, I think word is spreading faster than ever that illegal aliens are not welcome here or anywhere and that they should just leave.
I do feel sad for the family, but it was the right thing to do. We have for so ong in this country treated those that broke our immigration laws as if they were only on the books for window dressing
So the “Immigrants Rights” people
are just fine with people committing crimes.
No surprise there.
You catch them where you catch them. Schools aren’t sanctuarys. The Officer acted appropriately.
Do the crime…Do the time.
I say thanks to the officer for saving us taxpayers a little more money!
There is NOTHING wrong with this! They should not have even been here in the first place!
And what in the he!! were the ILLEGAL kids doing in an AMERICAN SCHOOL paid for by AMERICAN TAX DOLLARS by AMERICANS!?!?
I think it is just insane what ILLEGALS are allowed to do here in this country and what the AMERICAN governent pays for!
I have been writing my Govenor, congressmen, senator and other public officials about ILLEGAL INVADERS and stressing that thye do something about it! PLEASE DO THE SAME!
Ok, chalk up one more city that refuses to be a sanctuary to illegals. I still laugh when the moron “ILLEGAL” immigrant groups gripe about something like this and someone else already hit the nail on the head. (Illegal)Immigrants wouldn’t have to be scared if they had come here legally in the first place.
That kid is probably an orphan right now.
See? If they had gone thru the immigration process legally they would’ve just had to pick him up at juvie and had him do some community service. But no, they decided to jump in front of millions of honest people and use up at the very least school funding with out contributing to taxes, so, thats what they get. Maybe they’ll learn.
Ummmmmm, they’re supposed to be afraid! Good and afraid! Like sharks are circling, afraid! More of this should be going on in every single city!!! I’ll help, where do I sign up?
Whoa that must have been some pretty strong stuff, no wonder they have problems learning English. i am wondering were the Mom and dad worked? As long as employers offer honey bees will come.This has been going on for a long time and I don’t fear them it’s the 1-7* caught that are from terror sponsoring nations.
It is not fair for the ones that jump thru hoops and come here legally, but what about the visa jumpers, voer 3 million in 2005*.
They will do nothing about it because of pandering and the aliens will probably become Americans. Didn’t seem to have criminal records, but closing the borders would cut down on drugs, crime, Blah ,blah. Nobody wants to do it and that’s that. I agree he must have gotten in trouble with dad for sure.
Answer to this is make the employers pay 1099 taxes on all the illegal aliens they hire. It would take effort on the part of the government. face it if you can hire someone for less and not have to pay FICA, worker comp and other things like health insurance, you can pay a little more or less.
Unfortunately this has displaced legal Americans. It would be good to be able to follow the story and see what their live was like here in America. Did they rent or own, min. wage job?
Funny a bookie can get a federal tax I.D. for gambling and pay taxes but not here. They would not have done it if not following the letter of the law, but should have loked at al the areas. Did they have criminal record?
What’s the answer? At this time if the country starts enforcing the aw, then the flood of amnesty seekers might drop, but with people paying $3,000 and taken to the border and processed and then told to come back in a month will ot do it. Right now everyone is looking to see if this is saber rattling.
Legal immigration has been dropped to 1 million a year by Bush vs a high of 2.5 million by Clinton, maybe people are just seeing all those people and figuring they are illegal. Since the south and southwest is saturated.
Wonder if the pot had any lead in it? Recall?
Does seem interesting that the school officials will ot allow Border Patrol agents on campus? New
AG test.
just another case of how they feel that they are ENTILED to special treatment and whine when they don’t get it. they break the law from entrance into the USA and continue to break laws by using fake ids, using free services that should be going to our needy citizens. they march flying the Mexican flag and that is a statement that they have no intention of assimilation. they want their own culture and all the benefits of living here without becoming Americans.
they got what they deserved.
Hell yes be afraid! Be very afraid!