eXtractionExperts.com CO2 Dry Ice 52 Days in Flower Medical Marijuana SCROG G13 x OG

eXtractionExperts.com CO2 Dry Ice 52 Days in Flower Medical Marijuana SCROG G13 x OG

Please Visit our Site eXtractionExperts.com Day 52 in Flower Using 1lb of Dry Ice to produce CO2 I boiled a pot of water set it above the plants and dropped in the Dry Ice. I am a medical Marijuana grower in Washington state. Currently I have Sensi Star, Humboldt Sour Diesel strain and a G13 Strain. SCROGS are now under 2 400 W HPS SCROG og kush master bubba purple grape ape gdp sour grass pot “Acapulco gold” Columbian Jamaican “Maui wowie” Mexican “Panama red” bhang cannabis doobie dope* ganja hash hashish hemp herb joint “loco weed” maryjane reefer roach sinsemilla tea weed resin “black hash” “black oil” dope drug marijuana narcotic abaca ambary bang fennel fiber flax jute kef kif manila pipe bong vape vaporizer gangj marley hoot amsterdamn oaksterdamn humboldt amsterdam grow growing canabis

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