eXtractionExperts.com CO2 Dry Ice 52 Days in Flower Medical Marijuana SCROG G13 x OG

Please Visit our Site eXtractionExperts.com Day 52 in Flower Using 1lb of Dry Ice to produce CO2 I boiled a pot of water set it above the plants and dropped in the Dry Ice. I am a medical Marijuana grower in Washington state. Currently I have Sensi Star, Humboldt Sour Diesel strain and a G13 Strain. SCROGS are now under 2 400 W HPS SCROG og kush master bubba purple grape ape gdp sour grass pot “Acapulco gold” Columbian Jamaican “Maui wowie” Mexican “Panama red” bhang cannabis doobie dope* ganja hash hashish hemp herb joint “loco weed” maryjane reefer roach sinsemilla tea weed resin “black hash” “black oil” dope drug marijuana narcotic abaca ambary bang fennel fiber flax jute kef kif manila pipe bong vape vaporizer gangj marley hoot amsterdamn oaksterdamn humboldt amsterdam grow growing canabis
Great idea. Was thinking of getting co2 tank but I like cheap.
Much cheaper than getting a Co2 Machine?
@enrique5235 Plants require CO2 Dry ice is frozen CO2
say u look high i say im high bro
what is this good for for watering? or does it provide another purpose like making the buds bigger? or wat
@DarkStatic69 should fly air hog heli through the mist for a better Jurassic sim
should you only do this in the flowering cycle or is it better to do it all the time. so like once a week till flowering time then bump it up to twice a week?
awwww, happy little girls :]
@Hawkcelpa True, normally your brain kills a little bit itself, when you smoke weed this stops.
This is why you forget things faster and have less chance of gettig demented.
Yeah but u can’t store dry ice for long periods (like a day or 2)…
hell yheah nigga u knw what ur doin mad scietis type shit
what it helps??u stupid?
i feel like im watching jurassic park =]
How much dry ice was that you used?
i herd that this is what growers do the last few day b for harvest to turn the buds puple because the drastic change in temp
i do this same thing. Just did it for the first time the other night. Didnt think many people thought of this yet.haha I hung a pot up in the top of my tent… is your on your hood or hung?
this vid is cool to watch…for a second or two.No helpful info whatsoever
i dont know whats going on
@duboisiboy Thanks…I love watching them grow.
@Spyder8561 You’ll be as hooked as the rest of us before long. There is a heck of a lot to learn but don’t worry, you’ll still get some nice bud along the way. I grew my first plant in 1984 and I’m just getting warmed up now…. hehe.
@duboisiboy Oh ok..thanks man…I’m still new at this.
@Spyder8561 It’s just reached sexual maturity. You’ll get a single calyx with one pair of hairs at each node, don’t worry, it’s a good thing…
Anyone know why my damn plants have hairs when it’s still in it’s veg stage. And it’s not an autoflower plant. 18 hours of light and I see white hairs…why?
@lonewolferton Lol, great minds think alike
And yes to your idea. I ran a tube from the top of the air lock into my grow space and secured it to the back of my fan so it gets dispersed evenly and it totally works. THe only bad thing is that you cant put the carboy or fermentor in the grown room becuz the HID lights are too intense and it makes your beer come out tasting different. You should take it another step and replace hops with nugs! IPA with chronic = awesomness!
dam u r smart as hell lol smoke on man