Drug testing question?

so im applying for a pharmacy technician job at walgreens this week and heard that they drug test. which wouldnt be a problem but about 2 months ago i went through a rough time where i did try/use marijuana but have been clean for 6 weeks now and will be from now on. so im just wondering what kind of drug tests they do? will i be ok? thanks
urine or hair test
personally i dont know what type of drug tests they do. but if they do a urine test i would drink lots and lots of cranberry juice. it’ll wash out your system just in case. and try to pee as many times as you can that day before they test you. but marijuana is usually in your system for about 30 days for moderate smoker. i’m sure you’ll be fine. on the other hand, marijuana will show up in your hair for 24 months.
it depends on the type of test they give you…if you have a urine test you should be ok after 30 to 45 days depending on your age and metabolism.
if you have a hair folicle test, it can show up for up to 2 years.