Drug Testing at Workplace-check the Sobriety of the Employees

It has been reported in a survey that the management of 81% organizations admitted to subjecting their employees to workplace drug testing in order to check their sobriety that highlights the fact that the reputation of drug testing is intensifying all over the world. Drug Testing aims at identifying drug users so that suitable steps in the interest of the organization can be executed.There are mainly four types of drug tests that are commonly performed and for a decision to be taken in favor of an employee, it is necessary that he/she passes the test. The four main types of drug tests are Urine Test, Hair/Hair Follicle Test, Blood Test and Saliva Test. For the entire test the candidate has to provide the specimen which is checked using Drug Test Kit to get instant results or alternatively it may be sent to a laboratory to be verified.The most commonly used method for checking any toxins at human body is by testing the urine of the candidate that is collected in a cup or bottle and is checked using a panel kit that provides instant results or alternatively, it may be sent to a laboratory to be verified under a gas analyzer. Another type of checking any metabolized traces of drugs even if the person has consumed in the last few months is through Hair/ Hair Follicle Test. Such usually provides correct and reliable results and also reports the level of drugs used by the same. Hair Follicle Test is painful and is generally applied on the candidate not having hair on his head. Due to its restriction Saliva Test is not very frequently used. Only drugs consumed in the last few days can be tested through this test. Generally insurance companies and law enforcement agencies employ this method. When an employee is interviewing for a high level position then he/she has to undergo an expensive Drug Test for which he/she has to provide his/her blood sample. Often Insurance companies use blood tests for their approaching clients.To pass a drug test ensure that you have no drugs in your body at the time of drug test. In case you use drugs and wish to pass a drug test, then remember that metabolized traces of drugs stay in the system for a certain period of time and hence you need to make certain that there are no toxins in your system during the test. So in order to make your system toxin free at the time of test educate yourself with the knowledge about the time duration that different toxins take to get washed out from the body. Drug Use Timetable aims at providing you with valuable insight into this matter.