Drug paraphernalia laws in India.?

Can anybody give me a little dope (no pun) on the drug paraphernalia laws in India? Is it legal to buy bongs, grinders, pollenators, vaporisers, rolling machines, and the like? I know that there’s no issue with bongs and the kind given India’s ancient history of cannabis use. What i really want to buy is a pollenator and an ice-o-lator. Also, some names of online head shops that ship to India would be of great help as well.
Legal? Gz
I do not know the Laws in India but I can tell you something that hap pend to me one time.
One day as I was mowing the lawn I broke the water foist in the front yard, well I went and got a new one replaced it but left the broke one in the truck.
Well one night around one o’clock in the morning I was pull over for speeding, the cop ask if he could search the vehicle, I said sure, well he found the broke end of the foist what is this he ask looks like some drug Paraphernalia, I told him what it was and he let me go.
But I told you this to show you the cops are as dumb as a goat.
Maybe a lot of cops dont know how to use it or not trained well. I believe its legal as long there’s another use for it aside from marijuana. I hope our fellow stoners from India’s Marijuana Community forum ( http://www.HIGHisCOOL.in ) could help us with this