Drug Nation – CNN Takes A Look At Legalizing Marijuana

Drug Nation – CNN Takes A Look At Legalizing Marijuana
Drug Nation – CNN Takes A Look At Legalizing Marijuana
Medical Marijuana is advancing in Illinois. Check out the latest story from NY Times: SPRINGFIELD, Ill. — The... Read More »
Kansas appeals court addresses medical marijuana issue for travelers March 15. By TONY RIZZO. The Kansas City Star.... Read More »
Foxborough Needs to Establish Medical Marijuana District Following AG's Ruling “Unless somebody can articulate something specific I think... Read More »
@iiDoDaDrums I don’t wanna be paying for someone else’s health problems because you are unable to take care of yourself. Even though its your responsibility to take care of your own health, I really don’t want to be paying my tax money on some scum bag like you that is living off social security and doesn’t even have a job yet. Look man, if you wanna smoke weed go right ahead that’s fine with me, but if you lose all your benefits because of that thats your fault.
@iiDoDaDrums I’m not trolling, I’m just trying to get people to realize what marijuana is doing to society, it affects people in the workplace it as well as it did to our troops in the vietnam war. Look, If you are one of those people in favor of marijuana legalization, ok believe whatever you want thats fine with me. But if your government decides to take away your healthcare because you were smoking marijuana, thats your problem not mine. I really do hope they do cancel your healthcare.
@SAMFlSHER40l7 ahaha your retarded as fuck. Look shit up before you troll
@kittyzpwn303 (cont) Im not even agreeing with cigarettes or alchohol.. i know there worse… But still! All drugs are horrible.
@Cyonyst thats really fucked up for the monkeys.. doesnt anyone think about how the animal is treated? Im completely against animal testing.. animals are totally different from humans. And animals react different from humans to some things… doesnt anyone think about that? Anyways, YES! Pot makes you stupider. Pot gives u short term memory loss. I do believe it does kill braincells. People are complete idiots are smoking weed.
he said they should attack the cartels. wrong choice, man. if you go for the cartels man people are going to get hurt. it’s just a lot more logical to legalize it and help put the cartels out of business. the cartels wouldn’t make as much a profit on any other drug because of weed’s legalized then you can get it all the time and you wouldn’t need other drugs
I think it should be legalized because it’s nit that harmful as people think cigarettes and alcohol is more harmful
The reason the U.S. politicians flatly refuse to even talk about it, even when the rest of the world is pleading with them to change, is that illegal drugs fund the black budget for the CIA. We’re talking hundreds of BILLIONS of dollars that congress doesn’t have to provide.
Legal or not people are going to smoke weed, cartel or not people are going to smoke weed. Thats how irs been for the past ten thousand years and thats how its going be for thousands of years to come. The question is do they really want to waste lives and money trying to stop something you can’t stop?
@SAMFlSHER40l7 The military is different. The military even bans alcohol (apologies for bringing it up again). I highly doubt marijuana will be allowed especially with its PEACE keeping sobering nature. On one condition, when military officers are on leave, they get to have a beer or two, and the same when Marijuana gets decriminalized federally (and it will one way or another).
@SAMFlSHER40l7 dumb shit. yes. while DRIVING AND OPERATING MACHINERY. JUST LIKE BEER. the plant itself is harmless. i really hope your just trolling here because if not, i pray for the future!
@72281livefreeordie There have been a numerous amout of people killed smoking marijuana while driving car and operating dangerous machinery, its not a myth its true.
it actually stimulates brain cell growth too
@SAMFlSHER40l7 and besides, maybe i’d rather die than live in a world where people get locked up for a plant created by god. sometimes, death is better.
@SAMFlSHER40l7 yeah. go ahead and believe cnn’s word you dickhead. not one death was ever recored from marijuana use. sheep!
@SAMFlSHER40l7 Which I will be really happy to hear once your health coverage gets cancelled we dont need companies paying for someone elses responsibilities, just because you destroy your own health I don’t wanna be the one to pay for it. If you ever noticed that most people who have jobs don’t smoke marijuana, and people who do smoke marijuana, most of them dont have jobs, they probably either poor or if not they are on social security.
@72281livefreeordie Look man, you really wanna smoke pot all you want go ahead thats fine with me, if your company denies you health care because you were smoking marijuana, thats your problem not mine. Marijuana burns your lungs up, smoking 1 joint is like smoking 20 cigarettes your basically destroying your own health, so in that case your Health Care company is not gonna cover for you if that was to happen.
@ladtheman1360 You have a good point about alcohol. But it has nothing to do with the topic marijuana. When our soldiers in the Vietnam war starting smoking marijuana most of them became combat ineffective and some even forgot why they were even there. Imagine if our military wasnt werent strict on drug use and our soldiers were fighting in Iraq and Afghanistan, they wouldnt be any damn good out there in the field. Atleast now with we did have drug users, theres likely a really small percentage.
The government can’t tell us to smoke weed.ITS A FREE COUNTRY!
@SAMFlSHER40l7 There were 28,463 alcohol involved injuries in JUST CALIFORNIA in 2008. 181 children age 14 and younger died in alcohol related accidents in 2009. Over half (92) were riding WITH THE ALCOHOL IMPAIRED DRIVER! 75 percent of drunk drivers whose licenses are suspended continue to drive. I WIN and it’s perfectly legal.
@SAMFlSHER40l7 fuck you eat shit get laid jack me off take it up the ass you have no idea what your talking about you sheep headed mother fucker and many successful people use it and I use it and I am in the best athletic shape of my life i hope you and your kind die.
@72281livefreeordie Go fuck yourself, marijuana makes you stupid, it makes you lazy many people you smoke that stuff are usually on welfare or social security.
@ladtheman1360 wwwDOTthedenverchannelDOTcom/news/27626900/detail.htm
Stoned teen driver hits patrol car.
HA “Win thewar on drugs by increasing efforts 2 fold”letsjstspend billions more on something were not going to win and havent been for 100 years. Cutting cartels will only solve the problem of mass production, its your smaller dealers everywhere in the U.S that are the real “problem” and even then more than half of arrest are from marijuana . It is used everywhere all the time spiritually, recreationally and religiously. there is no winning. now please excuse me while i go smoke a bowl.