Drug Dealers Don’t Ask for ID – Vote YES on PROP 19!

Any and all donations will go towards this commercial’s googletv spot. E-mail Kevin Pham at kevin.pham.41@my.csun.edu Starring: Dealer – Bruce Burns Kid – Noah Herrera Written/Produced/Directed/Shot/Sound Designed by: Kevin Pham Co-Produced/Edited by: Miles Dahl Co-Produced by: Eddie Mnoian Music Producer: Jeff Kossack Guitar: Julian Lopez Guitar: Eamon McGinniss Bass Guitar: Kevin Pham Gaffer/Assistant Camera: Peter Koocheradis Production Sound: Alex Strayer Make Up: Grace A.
I find it ironic that some peple who want marijuana legal would actually argue with me with MY freedom cause. (which is against the “your papers please society”) people want freedom for only THEIR cause. They couldn’t care less about other freedom issues. This is why prop 19 failed because most people don’t get together to help other freedom issues. Divide and conquer
@KevGobProductions, Showing ID at the store no longer just “proves your age” When you go to the drug store to buy Sudafed (sinus pills) they write down all your information. Some store cashiers scan the drivers license. A grandmother was arrested just for buying niquil twice in one week
yeah because all 9 yr olds walk around with c-notes. fuck your propoganda.
@PhamilyFotography yes if i was a drug dealer i would give them the hook
It looks like a half oz of schwag
100 bones for mexican skank weed?
wow i should be selling this shit
Wait… so the guy with the hair DOESN’T do drugs?
that kid paid 100$ for a FUCKING GRAM!
I went to comment about how he got ripped off. All comments are this.
kid got RIPPED the fuck off. by an OG hippie lol
if thats not 20 a G dank ASS shit then he just got his cake stolen
dude that must have been so really fucking top notch highs
@SKAterpunkkidd987 10!!!!!!!
Yeah Ill give a 9 year old some weed
did he just buy a $100 gram?
rip off
i could get what he got for 20 haha
Haha I’ll take that fuckin bill ANY day.. THANK YOU PROHABITION. Ima keep countn my stacks while the govt keeps makn laws that give me free money
Yoooooooo.. That kid got ripped off!!
Hahahaha that git payed 100 for a skimpy ass sack.
$100 for a dimebag? Haha! stupid kid.
Lol i bet that kid was so fucked up later that day (L)
@david0861513636 WTF okay this is awkward and and weird if i open two taps on google crome on my computer it says vote yes on prop 19 on one of them and vote no on prop 19 and its the same video on both. WHAT THE SWEET MARIA JOSEF FIDDLE POO IS GOING ON