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Drug charges? I had a complaint at my apt.about noise. The cops came, smelled pot, and searched inside. They..

Drug charges? I had a complaint at my apt.about noise. The cops came, smelled pot, and searched inside. They..

found about 10 grams of high quality pot and two paraphenelia items. They seized everything of course. Luckily, I havent been charged yet. But the officer said I have to call him in the next 5 days and give him any leads to possible growers. I dont know any! I dont even know the sellers. If I cannot provide him w/ insight into where the growing is taking place, I will be probably faced with some misdemeanor charges. What would they be? i know i’ll go to court with some fines. Will they take my driver’s license away? There is NO WAY that I am going to snitch and get my ass blasted by someone crazy. So I want to man up to the charges so no one else gets in trouble… PLEASE…Someone give me some advice on how to explain myself to the officer when I have to call him in 4 days, & anyone with any expertise in this sitaution, please reassure me everthing will be OK..

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