Does the demise of Prop 19 boil down to: Old traditional tards vote, young people have better things to do?

‘impeding doom of debt’ that would have been aided by taxing marijuana crops and sales.
‘impeding doom of debt’ that would have been aided by taxing marijuana crops and sales.
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I think California has more important things to worry about like their impending doom of debt….
I’m not so sure. I’m a college student in California and I was surprised by how many of my friends voted no.
Progress is not instant it takes time and you have to keep beating the drums
If it’s something better to do, then I don’t want to hear any of you little pot-heads out there moaning about it. If us old farts care enough to take 10 MINUTES out of our day to go vote, then we get our say.
And I’m pretty sure that we have just said “Sit down and shut up, Junior!”
There are no better things to do than vote. It was mostly pushed by the old hippies from the 1960s.
So, you’re in CA? The demise of 19? They voted it in, although I voted against it, but this state has always been very liberal. It’s good they have reasonable restrictions on it. My son almost had a terrible accident when he drove right after he smoked pot.
Yep. Every person I have talked to that is against 19 says that “We don’t need anymore drugged up kids around here, it’ll just make everyone a druggie”
I’m sorry, but kids are going to smoke whether they’d like to or not. Stats show that if democrats would get off their ass and vote, they could win almost every election, but they stay in while republicans win.
It’ll pass next election, I promise it.
If you got better things to do than vote, you got your priorities out of whack. This is coming from someone younger than you who would oppose it if it was up for vote here, by the way.
-It boils down to People taking Their Votes- SERIOUSLY. And the Older folks DO, while the Younger Ones sit home & Text, & Twitter, & play Video games- while the World passes Them by- Outside…
@Marj † pray4revival †
So you’re against it because your son’s an idiot?