Does prop 19 have a good criminal penalties policy for selling to minors or people under 21?

Criminal and civil penalties
Maintains existing laws against selling drugs to a minor and driving under the influence.
Maintains an employer’s right to address consumption of cannabis that affects an employee’s job performance.
Maintain existing laws against interstate or international transportation of cannabis.
Any person who is licensed, permitted or authorized to sell cannabis, who knowingly sells or gives away cannabis to someone under the age of 21 results in them being banned from owning, operating, or being employed by a licensed cannabis establishment for one year.
Any person who is licensed, permitted or authorized to sell cannabis, who knowingly sells or gives away cannabis to someone older the age of 18 but younger than 21, shall be imprisoned in county jail for up to six months and fined up to $1,000 per offense.
Any person who is licensed, permitted or authorized to sell cannabis, who knowingly sells or gives away cannabis to someone age 14 to 17, shall be imprisoned in state prison for a period of three, four, or five years.
Any person who is licensed, permitted or authorized to sell cannabis, who knowingly sells or gives away cannabis to someone under the age of 14, shall be imprisoned in state prison for a period of three, five, or seven years
1 ounce = 28.3495231 grams
so basicly 28 grams and under will be legal under prop 19.
I’m voting No on it.
Prop 19 is very flawed. The taxation of pot is basically voluntary and I don’t know to many honest pot heads who are just going to pay the tax. That’s just one example of the flaws in the bill.
The bill is a joke and most of the arguments for it are nothing short of lies. It will increase DUI’s it will increase DUI related accidents and so on. Pot does slow down your reaction time which can mean the difference between a crash and a close call. Most of my friends who smoke pot have been in accidents and where high when they crashed their cars. The reason you don’t read head lines “High driver caused fatal crash” is because it’s rather difficult to tell when someone is high.
Good post.
The penalties seem very adequate but it wouldn’t change my mind as I am aware of the harm THC does to users ( rehab centres full), and foresee a HUGE health cost increase.
PS For folks unaware: only less than 1 gram is being de criminalized.
Casey/Kelle, I really don’t understand the viewpoint of people like you. You focus solely on the safety/harm aspects of marijuana and choose to totally ignore the harmful effects of the prohibition.
The prohibition doesn’t stop people smoking marijuana but it does a great job of preventing legal stores from selling it. So where is all the pot coming from that people are smoking – we’re talking 30 million pounds a year here?!!
Obviously it comes from illegal sources and our cops and dea are incapable of preventing it from happening. $113 BILLION is spent on marijuana every year in the U.S. and because of the prohibition every dollar of it goes straight into the hands of criminals. The Mexican drug cartels have murdered more than 1,200 CHILDREN since 2006 mainly to protect their smuggling routes, market shares and cash flows from selling marijuana in the U.S.
Aren’t these harms that are being committed right now BECAUSE marijuana is illegal far greater than what you think will happen when the production and sale of marijuana to adults is legalized?
casey/kelle cannot comprehend what the law says and has no clue of what prop 19 is for
casey/kelle is a complete fphucking idiot when it comes to prop 19
cassie/kelle you are a narrow minded ignorant fcuck. Its people like you that make America look like Jerry fcucking Springer!!! THC has no physical addictive properties in it so whoever told you that there are people in rehab for marijuana is a jackass and should do some research before making up statistics. Prop 19 does have its flaws and people will go around the system to not pay the tax however there will be some that do pay it for the quality. Many people i know have medical marijuana cards and use them regularly because they like the standards it is kept by.