does marihuana realy affect our health or its just a fake judgment created from goverment ?

does marihuana realy affect our health or its just a fake judgment created from goverment ?

i think the abuse of the marihuana is what realy affect our health as every thing in excess can affect us ..but i do’nt think that use adecute of marihuana can affect us i said this because i was wondering how the people of Jamaica comsume marihuna every day without present any problem to this … so why in our countries we spent alot money trying to don’t legalize the marihuana .. also other people make a lot money saling this ! some of these people from the goverment ! shoul we legalize the marihuna? what do yu think ? does marihuana affect more our body then does alchool ? the consume alchool is allowed to our countries but we can see that alchoolism is one of the biggest problems in our society so why is legal?
sorry to the people who are more interesting in my spelling then in answering thanks anyway!

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