does marihuana realy affect our health or its just a fake judgment created from goverment ?

i think the abuse of the marihuana is what realy affect our health as every thing in excess can affect us ..but i do’nt think that use adecute of marihuana can affect us i said this because i was wondering how the people of Jamaica comsume marihuna every day without present any problem to this … so why in our countries we spent alot money trying to don’t legalize the marihuana .. also other people make a lot money saling this ! some of these people from the goverment ! shoul we legalize the marihuna? what do yu think ? does marihuana affect more our body then does alchool ? the consume alchool is allowed to our countries but we can see that alchoolism is one of the biggest problems in our society so why is legal?
sorry to the people who are more interesting in my spelling then in answering thanks anyway!
It’s hard enough to get people to go to work can you imagine what it would be like here if it was legalized.
first off learn to spell it right.
no we shouldn’t legalize it.
people would arrive all drugged up.
and they tried to abn alcohol but it didn’t work. that is why we have alcohol today.
fake BS to keep the fake war on drugs going.
added. steph,that is one of the accepted spellings
i think it should be legal. its legal in other places. i think they wont make it legal b/c they cant find a way to tax it… too many people could grow their own. alcohol is evil!!
It can, especially if you smoke it, but its NOT as bad as the ad council would like you to believe. Its mainly not legalized because brown people would be making the most money and not white people…and since when was that ok??? (NOT saying that most white PEOPLE are racist, but there are institutionalized racist systems in the gov’t still in place today)
the law that made marijuana illegal was based on the hype of “reefer madness” which was made up but politicians used it to make the law. We havent got around to basing legislation on facts and proof yet, maybe in 200 more years we will have enough sense to make decisions based on reason. the should legalize it, but i dont care really; i can get it easier than alcohol. we have also wasted billions of dollars an the ineffective war on drugs, but the govt loves to throw money at problems rather than fix the source, so whatever i guess.
It is not legal because it screws up our ability to spell and put a proper sentence together.
There are two factors that make marijuana more of a problem than alcohol:
1) On top of being a depressant like alcohol, marijuana is also a mild hallucinagen. Persons on marijuana typically experience sensations of being smaller or larger than they really are, which is a hallucination.
2) Marijuana has long-term psychological effects. It is not uncommon for marijuana users to develop anxiety disorders that last years after they quit. When you quit alcohol, you might crave it to the point of being irritable for a few weeks, and might damage your liver, but you aren’t going to see someone standing next to you in an elevator and freak out, which is the type of thing an anxiety attack can cause.
I have read that it effects your short term memory.
In Jamaica, lung cancer is the second leading cancer cause of death among males, eighth among women. Smoking anything is going to wreck your lungs.
Alcohol will also take a toll on your body. It’s just different than pot, but not better or worse.
We tried banning alcohol. It didn’t work. Once the genie is out of the bottle, you can’t put it back in.
So who is going to decide on what is “adequate”?? The dosage that is “adequate” to you, might kill another person.
Also, most marijuana supporters on here do not know sh*t what they are talking about. If they smoke some, it was what we call *grass* in Uzbekistan. They have NO idea what the real effects of REAL marijuana are like. They are just a banch of motherf*uckers with a smoke of grass in their as*ses/ lol