Does it make me a hippie to support the legalization of marijuana?
I say require farmers to have a license to grown it and only allow a handful of them the right to do so. This would benefit the economy of farming states like the Dakotas and Iowa.
Then, tax the heck out of it and benefit us all on the Federal level.
We’ll sell alcohol which is a mind-altering substance, why not marijuana?
This question was inspired by gomakemeasandwich
I don’t even smoke it.
no..makes your a druggie!
i agree. then again, i live in the netherlands so i’m kind of used to it 🙂
but i mean it does make sense. if you aren’t going to sell marijuana then don’t sell alcohol and cigarettes.
As much as I hate you personally, I have to agree with you politically. Weed should be legal, and if this was a Democracy(like so many think it is) it would be.
I don’t condemn nor support the legalization of marijuana. No more than I would support the idea of banning liquor I guess. To me it’s not a big deal, because I quit smoking marijuana when I realized the effects it had on my life. It may be right for some people, but it’s not for me.
No it doesn’t make you a hippie, using it doesn’t either. Hippies are a thing of the past except for the few left over from the 60’s and 70’s. It had nothing to do with drug use at all, more to do with beliefs.
*cough cough*
Why yes, I will have another burrito.
Wait–what.. were we sayi…… oooh, look, bunnies!
we let kids drink and alcohol is legal i have never heard any one o d ing of pot, but it tends to lead to other drugs when the buzz stops being a buzz
No. I’m no hippie at all (archconservative according to some), but I would legalize it completely w/o regulation at the federal level. States would then be able to tax/regulate it as they see fit.
Why make more mind altering substances legally available just because one killer is allowed to be sold?
You’ll only be a hippy if you don’t wear a bra and believe in free love and take a stroll down strawberry fields, where nothing is real.
Yeah,sure why not.
I agree alcohol is worst!
you go girl,tell em,have the national debt reduced in 10 years
Were do I sign this petition.
no, i agree. i think it would be a lot easier to control if it was legal. and no, i don’t smoke it either.
I’m not a hippie, I don’t smoke it, but I’m in favor of legalizing it providing the taxes would not be excessive. If the government taxed it too heavily, farmers couldn’t afford to grow it and wouldn’t benefit because they’d have no buyers market. It would be cheaper for people to continue buying it illegally from other countries instead of keeping the money here.
I’d love to see people suffering from cancer have access to as much as they need and not be hassled by the federal government. .
No it makes you the COOLEST lol just kidding. Good plan, makes sense
I agree with you….if they sell alcohol, then why couldn’t they sell pot in the same fashion.
While almost all hippies support legalization or at least decriminalization of marijuana, the fact is that the vast majority of marijuana consumers in the U.S. do NOT fit this stereotype. Marijuana users are just as likely to be Republican businessmen and church-going housewives, if not more so. The lack of unity that prevents marijuana users from organizing to get their favorite non-addictive, life enhancing herb legalized stems in large part from the fact that there are so many users from so many different lifestyles and political perspectives.
Anyone that wants the Drug War to end in victory will support what you suggested: regulation and taxation.