Does dis negative result on prop 19 in Cali mean I cannot get high anymore?

Reason dis drug is not legal is because da best cannibis do not come from da US, it do not come from da white man….
Reason dis drug is not legal is because da best cannibis do not come from da US, it do not come from da white man….
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No. As a matter of fact, I think you may be high right now.
I get high all the time – no worries – I’m high right now
Michell thinks I smoke regular cigarettes
Eric Holder proudly VOWED to go after pot smokers even if it passed. This is your “change” America
Right. TNC has been rendered inert.
No it means my friends in the lobby will continue profiting from your misfortune.
It means there are still Californians with brains. Legalization needs to come from the fed or the state is just challenging the fed in an arena the fed already has preemption. This is a stupid waste of money in a state which is already in financial trouble.
“Does dis negative result on prop 19 in Cali mean I cannot get high anymore?”
No. It just means the proceeds from your marijuana purchases will continue to go to criminal enterprises and will not be taxed. California’s largest cash crop will remain illegal for the time being.
The fact that it only lost by 8 points in what is OBVIOUSLY a very Republican off-year would indicate it could probably pass in a presidential election year. (Old people vote in off-years. Young people don’t). I won’t elaborate on the hypocrisy of espousing “limited government” yet continuing to support a war on drugs (I seriously think pointing this out to the tea party leaning Republicans could swing some votes by 2012).
There is still a lot of misinformation about the reality of illegal marijuana. (For instance some people voted against it because they don’t want more kids smoking weed…………which ignores the reality that various studies have shown weed is actually easier to get than alcohol for high school students RIGHT NOW. In addition, over 50% of high school students have ALREADY smoked marijuana).
The medical marijuana people had a financial interest in opposing it. (Recreational marijuana production would significantly reduce the price and subsequent profit of medical marijuana dispensaries). This is the same for the growers in Humboldt county. The drug cartels are also VERY HAPPY this didn’t pass because over half their annual revenue comes from illegal pot sales in the U.S.
Then there was the obvious “reefer madness” syndrome: People who think legalized marijuana will lead to a spike in traffic fatalities and people coming to work high. (Which ignores the fact that MOST people who drink don’t drive drunk or go to work drunk…………the same can be said for marijuana smokers).
@ruth……….”Legalization needs to come from the fed”
You do realize MEDICAL marijuana is ALSO illegal under federal law, right? Yet Eric Holder isn’t going after dispensaries anymore.
It means too many Californians are making a living off mota being illegal, so they voted against legalizing it.
Yes it does! Because of “REFER MADNESS”(1936), “Far Out Man” (1990). The “Slackers” (2002), “Grandma’s Boy (2006), non voters went “Over the Edge” (1979)! They got “Half Baked” (1998),”Dazed and Confused” (1993) and they didn’t know “How High (2001) they were getting smoking their “Homegrown” (1998) “Grass” (1999 and drinking their “Bongwater” (1997). The “Mallrats” (1995) thought that the elections were on “Friday” (trilogy) (1995-2002) “Friday the 13th” (2009) “Far Out Man”! They were thinking about an “American Beauty” (1999) and having “Freak Talks About Sex” (1999) using their “Idle Hands” (1999) to do “The Wackness” (2008) to get a “Smiley Face” (2008) “Far Out Man”! I think there was a “Beerfest” (2006) with “The Big Lebowski” (1998) in the “City of God” (2002) “Outside Providence” (1999) near “Detroit Rock City” (1999) “Where the Buffalo Roam” (1980) It’s a “Strange Wilderness” (2008), “Far Out Man”, Peace out! No one man can tell you “How High” (2001) you can get, man, just go “Puff, Puff, Pass” (2006)but don’t bogart that joint my friend, Because I was “Born to Be Wild” (1968) “The Pusher” (1968) man, becuse I”Wasn’t Born to Follow” (1968)! “Far Out Man”!
Actually you still can and here is how you do it, take a trip to Washington DC and wait at the end of the driveway at 1600 pennsylvania ave. and wait for Barry Soetorro’s el dorado to come out and jump in the back where Barry and Larry Sinclaire will be puffing on some of the best stuff us taxpayers can pay for and if you tell him your a socialist he will let you have a toke or two so good luck with that and don’t let him talk you into a sleep over..