Do you think Prop 19 will pass and when will Marijuana will become available for mass consumption?

Medical Marijuana is advancing in Illinois. Check out the latest story from NY Times: SPRINGFIELD, Ill. — The... Read More »
Kansas appeals court addresses medical marijuana issue for travelers March 15. By TONY RIZZO. The Kansas City Star.... Read More »
Foxborough Needs to Establish Medical Marijuana District Following AG's Ruling “Unless somebody can articulate something specific I think... Read More »
The people already elected 0bama — they need help, not more drugs.
It will happen. Like gay marriage, its just a question of when.
Most likely the ones who want prop 19 to pass will be too stoned to vote that day.
mass consumption? whoa there, settle down lol.
mass consumption probably isn’t a good idea.
Although I cannot stand pot, I do believe it should be legal and that it will be soon. Hopefully CA is smart enough to end this ridiculous, costly, and unConstitutional war on drugs.
I got ice cold hot chocolates here!
We just need the rest of the reefer madness generation to finally die off.
My Law Man/Facts friend you really need to stop posting on this very “soft” site. We get it. Your dumb.
I don’t use it but think it should be de criminalized how ever if passed the fed.s claim they will arrest you.
Personally, i feel sorry for drug addicts. In the county I lived in, they made over $10 million in fines (!!) one year off people caught using marijuana. Let’s just call it dope. So the dopes, many of whom are repeat offenders, would end up with a permanent record in the law of using drugs. Which will impact them for a lifetime. Which doesn’t make them bad workers or people. But it does make them ADDICTS.
Does that last sentence not made you sad? I though America was the land of opportunity, not a f***ing prison state.
I think you have already suffered the long term use effects the way you support American enemy’s.
Hurry the average human dream only lasts 2 to 3 seconds! Maybe yours is a little longer, 10 seconds, better get that cumming in! thats a short time to c u m, if you have thats just sad.
Wikipedia BABY!
I’m voting no on it. The bill is massively flawed and will not do a thing to stop the drug cartels. If anything it will make it easier for them. It wont be illegal for them to do what they do.
Further more this notion that it will “increase tax revenue” is a crock of poop. How are you going to collect the taxes? You really think people who openly break the law are going to honestly pay a tax on it?
If you do your a moron. That’s like trusting a bank robber to watch the vault of your bank.
Clearly Marijuana is available to any one that wants it. The ONLY intelligent thing to do is legalize it. Since it’s the intelligent thing to do it clearly won’t pass. Thanks Republicans.
Marijuana is readily available in every state despite the laws. Legalizing it in CA won’t make much of a difference if the same old idiots in DC refuse to recognize the states rights and as long as the federal government uses the war on drugs as a cash cow. A huge cash cow.
its already available for mass consumption. buy some from your local cop.
No, it won’t pass yet!
Automated polling still shows it passing. Phone calls where an actual person does the calling have the measure not passing. It seems people are sometimes afraid to admit to pollsters that they support Marijuana legalization, but will happily push a button to express their true feelings. The automated polls are probably more reliable.
The worst harm that Marijuana does is to make people lazy. When Marijuana has been legalized in other countries, its use hasn’t even increased. There will be little or no changes in actual use of Marijuana. What will change is that people won’t have their lives ruined with a criminal record all in the name of protecting them from themselves. Also police will get back to focusing on real crimes, which is what they are really supposed to be there for. Crime rates for real crimes will go down when police are not wasting all their time arresting college students for smoking pot in their mom’s basement. Prop 19 will be a huge success, and when the rest of the nation sees this, other states will soon follow California’s lead.
Everyone that is saying no is obviously ignorant.
Calling someone a addict just because they smokes a plants dried flower pathetic, When you most likely drink like a fish every week or weekend & you cant go out with out having a drink to have a good time , you are more of an addict of alcohol then someone who just smokes recreationaly and does not drink what so ever.
Alcohol is the real harmful drug, cannabis has never made anyone go out and kill someone but drunks kill people all the time.
how about all you ignorant fools listen to my friend bill hicks
Prop. 19 will pass. Marijuana is available for mass consumption now. It has been for the last 50 years.
I dont care if it passes or not. Im still gonna get high till i die,
Marijuana is still illegal under federal law.
If Proposition 19 passes, the federal government will intervene.
Sad but true.