Do you think it would have been a benefit to california if prop 19 passed, money wise?,0,3625253.story?track=rss
Unemployment payouts push California deeper into debt
The state is borrowing $40 million a day from the federal government to provide assistance to jobless workers, but has resisted changing the formulas it uses to determine and fund those benefits.
Yes , anything that generates money go help California economy is good. Look at how we are now . Students suffering .
I think it would have been a positive benefit had it passed.
Yes, but i am glad that the government did not push one more legally chemical abused product on the streets. Like booze and ciggs. One less on the streets to annoy people is a heavens gift to society.Keep the weed illegal. Bust the users and sellers.
Yes, but i am glad that the government did not push one more legally chemical abused product on the streets. Like booze and ciggs. One less on the streets to annoy people is a heavens gift to society.Keep the weed illegal. Bust the users and sellers