Do you think doctors are a little too lenient when prescribing medicinal marijuana?

Do you think doctors are a little too lenient when prescribing medicinal marijuana?

Don’t get me wrong, I’m all for medicinal marijuana and/or legalization but the fact that doctors are prescribing it for people with sprained ankles or *cough cough* “back pain” is a little sketchy IMO. Also, you would think the dispensaries would be a little more professional looking: they look like the damn coffee shops in Amsterdam. Is that how our country should represent our decision to legalize medicinal marijuana? You don’t see pharmacies selling vicodin and oxycontin in jars with creative names do you? It just doesn’t seem very professional to me… Don’t get me wrong: I’m pretty liberal. It just doesn’t seem very professional and it doesn’t seem like it is taken very seriously. Maybe I’m just weird haha
…I live in Michigan. I just watched “Super High Me” with Doug Benson haha

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