Do you think doctors are a little too lenient when prescribing medicinal marijuana?

Don’t get me wrong, I’m all for medicinal marijuana and/or legalization but the fact that doctors are prescribing it for people with sprained ankles or *cough cough* “back pain” is a little sketchy IMO. Also, you would think the dispensaries would be a little more professional looking: they look like the damn coffee shops in Amsterdam. Is that how our country should represent our decision to legalize medicinal marijuana? You don’t see pharmacies selling vicodin and oxycontin in jars with creative names do you? It just doesn’t seem very professional to me… Don’t get me wrong: I’m pretty liberal. It just doesn’t seem very professional and it doesn’t seem like it is taken very seriously. Maybe I’m just weird haha
…I live in Michigan. I just watched “Super High Me” with Doug Benson haha
Just be grateful you live in a state where
medical marijuana is even available.
Some probably are. I’m pretty stingy with it, but I do prescribe it for some patients.
I make sure that they have a legitimate problem and there is good science to support the use of cannabis. I also make sure that they have fair trials on standard treatments first.
I don’t prescribe it to people who I think are just looking for a legal loophole to support their daily weed habit.
LOL, I like that movie:]
I have been to to two Dr. for my prescription and my mother has been to I don’t know how many since California passed measure 215 in 1996. They have all had us bring in copies of our medical paper work and they went though every page we had or I had as my Mother’s is like a book. But they make sure it is for ‘REAL” reasons.
As for the dispensaries, the “creative names” are we just because of our country change the names of all the strains of bud, to be different from other places? I like very much that I can go into a different looking place to get my medicine if I like. Especially to separate themselves from the pharmaceutical industry. It’s natural why not be a home like experience?
No, I think the government is way to strict on this harmless plant. That’s what I think.