Do you think California Prop 19 will pass?

Prop 19 is to legalize marijuana in California so the government can tax it. If you live in CA are you voting yes or no?
I am a CA resident and will be voting yes!
Prop 19 is to legalize marijuana in California so the government can tax it. If you live in CA are you voting yes or no?
I am a CA resident and will be voting yes!
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lets hope so , because in my retirement years i may just move there and relax
I’m sure as hell voting “FOR” to legalize marijuana. Our jails and court systems are overcrowded with casual users. Have you ever met a “mean pot head”. Lets all just mellow out!
Don’t get too excited.
There’s a little thing called the supremacy clause and express preemption.
What that means is that even should Prop 19 succeed on the ballot, as far as the federal government is concerned, it’s unenforceable as it is in direct conflict with a valid federal statute, and as valid federal statutes are the “supreme law of the land” (Article VI) federal law prevails.
It’s the same situation as what you saw with the medical dispensaries (Gonzales v. Raich) with federal raids even though California state law may have thought it was permissible.
Holder backed off on the issue of medical marijuana, but it’s unlikely he would with widescale commercialization such as Prop 19 proposes.
So, should Prop 19 succeed, you not only have a situation where you have federal raids again, but potentially a federal government limiting or withdrawing federal funding until California toes the line again (much the same strategy as was used with raising the drinking age and lowering legal limits).
Your Answer:
It will not pass. It is trailing badly in the polls already, and will not improve. Most people know that it’s pointless. Even if it passes, it would be “counter to public policy” under Federal law for CA to collect taxes on something that was illegal under Federal law, so the whole “collect tax revenue” is a strawman.
Charles B is completely wrong. CA jails are NOT crowded with casual users. It is all but unheard of for a casual pot user in CA to get so much as an hour in jail while they book him. 99.99% of possession cases in CA are just a ticket. This “free up jail space” argument is just another strawman.
I saw a poll somewhere that said 50% were for it, 40% were against it and 10% were undecided but I don’t know how reliable that poll was. I think it will be really close, and if it does pass, it will be by a few percentage points.
In any case I think I will vote yes on it. I am definitely for legalizing marijuana, but I have read a lot that this bill is actually horrible. A lot of growers are against it because it will open up competition and they will lose their profits. Also the bill only allows for 25sq ft to grow in for personal use. That isn’t very much. And it imposes stricter laws for people under 21 who get caught with marijuana.
Polls are saying its 50-50. However I think it has a great chance since everyday more and more people are finally realizing how safe this plant is and that all the propaganda against it is completely false.
I’m gonna vote YES
I just read and it states CA Prop 19: Legal, Regulated Marijuana Favored 50%-40% in New Poll.
I live in Ca, and although I do not smoke marijuana I have been considering voting for marijuana. Its like my Grandma say’s, if they legalize it, it might keep drug dealer’s from flooding schools with it.
Ain’t sure of the age flux of CA population but chances are if there are people 30+ years old they will probs vote no as they’re so brainwashed to how evil it is, its not as healthy as made out to be but it aint as bad as its made out to be either.