do you support or oppose the legalization of marijauna?

do you support or oppose the legalization of marijauna?

I’m doing a survey for my anthro class, so I would appreciate it if you could answer the following questions. Thank you!

– do you think that it is acceptable that marijuana is legal in some countries?
– if marijuana was legalized do you think that it would still be considered a gateway drug? ( the meaning behind this, is that I think that because it is illegal people put it on the same level as other drugs, but if it were legalized it wouldn’t be thought of on the same level as other drugs if that makes any sense)
– do you think marijuana is just as harmful as alcohol?
– how many people do you know that smoke marijuana?
– if your friend smoked marijuana would it create tension in your relationship?
– would you buy marijuana if it were legalized?
– do you lose respect for someone who smokes marijuana?
– do you think marijuana paraphernalia should be sold? (ie. bongs, zigzags etc)
– do you think marijuana is only considered harmful because it is illegal?
– do you agree with the farming of the cannabis plant in california?
– do you believe in medical marijuana?
– does it surprise you that in the 1800’s marijuana was sold at pharmacies for nausea?
– do you think marijuana is addictive?
– should the government worry about the abusive drugs, and side effects resulting from prescription drugs rather than marijuana?
-in future generations do you think that marijuana will be legalized?

thank you veery much haha.

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