Do you, or anyone you know, wear Hemp Jewelry?

Hemp is product made from the stalks of marijuana plants – there was a time that this was used heavily for rope making and cloth.
I wear hemp, and I am a writer, so I do consider this question worth the five points, thank you. I’m curious. That’s enough. LOL
i love it!
I know some folks that wear it and I know how to make it.
yeah i do and i can make it, i made a necklace for this girl and she paid me 10 bucks, everyone asks me were i got mine
i also have hemp lotion and it smells really good, it works good too
Yep. I used to wear hemp necklaces all the time and still do on occasion.
in my hometown we had the hemp shack and i bought shoes there years ago and i loved them but they closed down that shop theres probley more around
HEMP!!! hahahahaha! Ya my cousins do but what a f-ing waste of 5 points its not like any information any one gives you is gonna be worth something
yes. my friend makes them and sells them at the RA shop. i don’t know if you ever heard of that. If you have and never been, you should go check it out. They are really easy to make too. You can get some of the stuff from wal-mart.
Yes. Hemp is very durable and makes great fabric.
Woody Harrelson is a noted hemp activist. You can find links to hemp product sites on his web site: