Do Republicans want to reinstate the 18th Amendment?

It seems like the kind of thing that appeals to their authoritarian nature, like the push against legalizing marijuana and gay marriage. So why don’t they advocate it? Is it because their ideas, such as tax cuts pay for themselves, only make sense if you’re wasted?
I don’t disagree that patdowns at the airport are authoritarian and completely useless/ridiculous. The TSA, however, was created by Republicans, just sayin’.
You had 60 votes in the senate and the presidency, and you blame us for not legalizing marijuana?
California is the biggest liberals dump on the planet, fully marxist, and THEY voted against legalizing it while the democrats swept the ticket
The LEFT WING LOONS in California voted against gay marriage AND pot
Because marijuana makes people stupid and most people with a brain wouldn’t touch the stupid stuff unless they needed it for medicinal purposes.
Gay marriage is disgusting and destroys the sanctity and holiness of marriage between a man and a woman.
I really do not have a politely but the Democrats who are in control feel that it is necessary to squeeze people’s ball at the airport and you have the gall to call marijuana laws authoritarian
They would like to revoke all the progressive amendments including womens rights, civil rights, secular education, free speech, search and seizure, the Miranda warnings, etc. They want to return to the 19th century. If they nominate Palin they will have the right candidate for that since she is a throwback to another era when people would “cling to their guns and religion”.
Ho ho ho
Frank: Why is it you dont mention the other 5 states who had it on the ballot for recreational MJ? I dont know how it turned out. There are liberal pockets in every state, not just California. There are 37 million people in Calif. so everything is more noticeable. There are fundamentalist religious nut cakes just as there are Marxists, in different parts of the state.
Return of Ghost: The Democrats in Congress dont like the intimate physical screenings. It is you people who are so gung ho to militarize the U.S. into a police state.
I have to ramble on both sides for this one. First of all, Prohibition was originally started with the help of liberal feminist groups at the time. Ever notice how Prohibition started right after women got the right to vote (DISCLAIMER: This is not to say I am against womens’ suffrage)? This is due to the influence of womens’ activists.
Although I have to agree with you that it is hypocritical to support one legal substance, and not the other, especially when alcohol is worse than marijuana, if Prohibition was reinstated I don’t think it would happen because of conservatives.
And to be fair, there are quite a few liberal ideas that are authoritarian as well.
@Return of Ghost: And yes, marijuana laws are one of the authoritarian U.S. policies out there.