Do police realize how harmless marijuana is?

Most of America is brainwashed by propaganda that claims marijuana (a plant that grows in the ground) is just as dangerous as the other drugs such as heroin and crack. However, there have been studies that prove that marijuana:
– Does not kill brain cells. In fact it stimulated brain cells.
– Is not addictive
– Does not cause cancer. In fact studies have shown that cannabis can stunt tumor growth and even defeat it.
– Does not negatively affect driving skills. In fact in makes you more concentrated and less likely to speed.
– Has never killed anyone. Alcohol, tobacco, legal drugs and even caffeine account for hundreds of thousands of deaths separately. Marijuana’s kill count is 0. Guess which one is illegal?
Alcohol promotes violence. Have you EVER heard of someone that got high off marijuana and went home and beat their wife? Didn’t think so. However, alcohol is legal and MJ is not. Hell, marijuana is used for medicinal purposes.
I highly suggest that any of you that have previously been brainwashed watch the documentary “The Union: The Business Behind Getting High”. It is on Netflix instant streaming or available on the internet. It addresses all these issues and uses sources such as Harvard professors, scientists, mayors, politicians, doctors, and many more. Or visit
Most of America’s Presidents have smoked weed, including our current one. Many influential artists such as singers, actors, filmmakers, and more actively smoke marijuana. Still, hundreds of thousands of people who smoke this harmless plant are arrested, fined or incarcerated for it.
Police often say that they do not make the laws, they just enforce them. Well that maybe so, but perhaps next time you can let those harmless kids smoking weed off with a warning. And hopefully in November, if you are a California officer, you will vote yes for Proposition 19.
Please, if there are any officers browsing, I would love to hear their opinion.
freshkid… wow, I don’t even know where to start. you obviously learned all this in your DARE class and never researched for yourself.
weed contains ten times the cancer causing cells than cigs do. (not if you vaporize it)
weed DOES kill brain cells. (no it doesn’t that’s a fact. google “marijuana brain cells, or simply watch the doc I posted)
there have been injuries and deaths due to weed. (there has never been a single death in history due to marijuana alone)
there are drug wars over weed. (yes, because it’s illegal. there would be no drug wars over weed if you could buy it at your local store )
youre ignorant. (ironic, seeing as you refuse to look up the truth for yourself)
^ continued
youre a pothead. (yeah, and i’m apparently smarter than you. stop being a baby)
the chemical in weed called THC slows down your motor skills. (again, google it. a recent study showed that MJ does NOT harm your motor skills)
weed is apart of the drug trade which makes it as dangerous as any other substance. (already said this… it’s part of the drug trade precisely because it’s illegal. legalization would stop this)
only pothead says “Weed should be legal” (stop being an ignorant baby)
weed reduces learning ability. (I took my SATs high and scored in the 98th percentile. I am also a straight A student at NYU)
weed delays puberty. (lol what?)
i could go on and on about why weed should stay illegal (and no one wants to hear it because it’s all lies. go back and continue to be brainwashed)
Please don’t reproduce.
Guess the potheads just aint selling it.
There are many people who are ignorant about marijuana. Our laws against marijuana are very draconian.
Doesn’t matter. Public opinion against it will keep it illegal.
right? alcohol and cigarettes are way worse than weed. weed doesn’t even harm your lungs if you eat it…and cigarettes kill 88 people a day in florida
Well some of your research is true.
It does kill brain cells any one past about 21 brain cells are in decline and smoking weed dose not help it. as for the stimulation yeah it does stilmulate them, but that what kills them.
Yeah cannabis can stunt tumors, but not smoking it or baking it in cakes.
The only reason it was banned is becuase in america around the 1930’s Hemp was cheap and easy to produce but the people who ran the paper mills did not like this cheap product there was no money in it, So the started a campaign to say it is bad for you and that it makes you kill people. so after that it has been band.
Also Weed has 4 time the amount of tar in than a cigarette.
it is extremely addictive (i was an addict for 3 years)
True it hasnt killed any one, but it has contributed to deaths, such as people vomiting and then choking on the vomit, and also heart disease.
Right, I know a cop whose partner was run over and killed by a driver who was under the influence of one thing: marijuana.
Marijuana is illegal because the best one is grown in mexico so they take all the money over there instead of staying here.
yeah well it sure is annoying when the person next door is growing it and the grow light is so loud i can’t sleep..
After seeing the effect of marijuana on several of my family members, I will always vote to keep it illegal.
I was going to answer this question, but then I read your reply to freshkid and its pretty much what I expected. As far as the information and links that are posted, biased information and studies for and against the legalization of pot are just that: BIASED. This argument will go on forever and personally I could care less. In my experience, every “pot head” I’ve come across while they were high acted like an idiot after smoking themselves retarded. Retorts such as those above only confirm my opinion that though you may talk like a straight A NYU student, insulting those you oppose you attitude towards pot makes you look like a jack a$$.
GOOGLE Medical This is what comes up.
Advanced Search
Marijuana’s Adverse Effects
Could I become chemically dependent on marijuana?
Is marijuana use associated with other drug use?
What are the common side effects of marijuana use?
How can marijuana affect me physically?
See Also:
More Information
Other Organizations
Family Doctor: Healthy Living digital edition
Advertisement Marijuana’s Adverse Effects
Could I become chemically dependent on marijuana?
Yes. When you’re chemically dependent on marijuana, it means you crave it and you need to use more and more to get the same effect. You may have withdrawal symptoms when you stop using it, such as depressed feelings, trouble sleeping or nausea. Because marijuana is a lot stronger now than it used to be, people are also more likely to abuse it and become dependent on it than they were in the past.
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Is marijuana use associated with other drug use?
Yes. Many people use legal drugs like alcohol or cigarettes before they start using marijuana. Marijuana is the most commonly used illegal substance in the United States. It’s often the first illegal drug a person will try. Sometimes marijuana use leads to the use of other illegal drugs.
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What are the common side effects of marijuana use?
The following are some of the common side effects of using marijuana:
•Trouble remembering things
•Slowed reaction time
•Difficulty concentrating
•Paranoia (feeling that people are “out to get you”)
•Altered time perception
•Red, bloodshot eyes
Using marijuana for a long time makes some people lose interest in school, work, relationships and other activities. It may also cause legal problems. Using marijuana can be especially dangerous in certain situations, such as when you are driving, because your reaction time is slower. This make it more difficult to react to a dangerous situation, which could cause an accident
Marijuana is an illegal substance, end of story.