DIY Fascinator head top?

DIY Fascinator head top?

Hi Everyone

I want to make a couple of fascinators for an upcoming event

I try to find synamay round bases and looots of feathers

I have found which has GREAT variety and all, but the shipping cost is always 35$ -no matter if you order 1 feather or 100-.

SInce i live in greece, i am looking for a more economic way to get my supplies, maybe sth in UK or another european country, or at least a US based online shop that does not charge a fixed shipping cost….

Also it has to be a site, form where you get to buy individual feathers -or at most pachages of 10- as i am not a pofetional and i dont need that many

Any ideas? Thank you so much
Also if anyone has any ideas on a good tutorial about making fashinators online, or an e book or so….its all wellcome…

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