Did you know marijuana plants grew to be “12 to 14 feet tall and 7 to 8 feet wide”? How long does it take?

Did you know marijuana plants grew to be “12 to 14 feet tall and 7 to 8 feet wide”? How long does it take?

And does this only happen in the ‘High Country”, so to speak?

“More than 100 law enforcement officers took part in last week’s marijuana eradication effort in northern Siskiyou County that officials say resulted in the confiscation of six tons of pot valued at $125 million.

On September 12 and 13, more than 19,000 plants were taken from the Maple Gulch area of White Cloud Mountain near Horse Creek, according to a Siskiyou County Sheriff’s Department report. Another 6,000 plants, planted among manzanita, were taken from the nearby Barkhouse Creek area on the south side of the Klamath River.

Sheriff’s Department Captain Mike Murphy said the plants “were very large, some of them 12 to 14 feet tall and 7 to 8 feet wide. We took out several dump truck loads.”

To be honest, this is not a joke, and goes along with an earlier post of mine about drug families starting to have drug plantations within our borders.
“Siskiyou County Sheriff’s Department Marijuana Eradication Unit Law enforcement officials suspect that both cultivation operations are connected to an international drug cartel, which means any prosecution will be conducted in the Federal courts.

On the morning of September 14, the Sheriff’s Department reported that officers of the California Highway Patrol stopped a vehicle traveling east on Highway 96 near Collier’s Rest Area north of Yreka and detained the five Hispanic male occupants. A short time later, the Sheriff’s Department received several calls reporting two Hispanic males walking east along Highway 96 near Quigley’s Store in the community of Klamath River. Sheriff’s Deputies contacted and detained these two men as well, according to the Sheriff’s Department.

All seven men were found to be Mexican nationals who were booked into Siskiyou County Jail on immigration holds. Officials of the Immigration and Naturalization Service were notified.
Captain Murphy said it is believed the men were associated with the marijuana plantations. ”


I think this is too serious for all of this political gamesmanship, myself.

What do you think?
judy_r8 – what I object to is not Granny growing a plant or two in her back yard to ease her arthritis, but the drug cartels, of the ‘cut off the heads and dump them in a bar’ fame bringing their operation into our country.
slim – thanks, you are a fount of information! It sounds like they think this was a cartel, though.
Nancy, does it worry you that I have sources for what I say?
Jackie, why on earth would I care what color they are? However, my point isn’t actually about pot, it is about cartels moving thier infrastructure into our country.

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