Did the 21st Amendment fully LEGALIZE alcohol or just DECRIMINALIZE it…………………………………?

Did the 21st Amendment fully LEGALIZE alcohol or just DECRIMINALIZE it…………………………………?

Im asking this because I heard that if proposition 19 passes in California, marijuana still wont be legalized but only decriminalized. Also in Amsterdam, marijuana is NOT legal there either. Its just “decriminalized” even though people can buy it in coffee shops there.

Did the 21st Amendment “legalize alcohol”? Why didnt they just “decriminalize” it instead and have limits on how much alcohol you can posses?

And why cant marijuana ever be legalized anywhere? All the places where people think its legal is not legal but just decriminalized.
And why wasnt a constitutional amendment needed to outlaw all the other drugs? Only alcohol needed a constitutional amendment to make it illegal. Why is this?

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