Did the 21st Amendment fully LEGALIZE alcohol or just DECRIMINALIZE it…………………………………?

Im asking this because I heard that if proposition 19 passes in California, marijuana still wont be legalized but only decriminalized. Also in Amsterdam, marijuana is NOT legal there either. Its just “decriminalized” even though people can buy it in coffee shops there.
Did the 21st Amendment “legalize alcohol”? Why didnt they just “decriminalize” it instead and have limits on how much alcohol you can posses?
And why cant marijuana ever be legalized anywhere? All the places where people think its legal is not legal but just decriminalized.
And why wasnt a constitutional amendment needed to outlaw all the other drugs? Only alcohol needed a constitutional amendment to make it illegal. Why is this?
I believe alcohol is the only one that is legalized.
Amounts under 5 oz(?) was decriminalized in California, which means that you won’t be arrested, just fined, like with a parking ticket, if you get caught.
In The Netherlands the laws are a little different. It is a commodity that is legal to grow and sell. It is a regulated substance. If it were simply “decriminalized” you could still be fined for using it, but that’s not the case.
The 21st amendment just negated the 19th amendment. It didn’t create a right to alcohol. States and localities are free to make their own laws with regards to licensing, sale or possession.
No country which permits widespread use of drugs every amounted to anything. Witness Columbia and Coca or Yeman and Qat. Alcohol gives hangovers which help keep most people from abusing it, but marijuana does not. Psychedelic drugs in aboriginal cultures are used only under the direction of a shaman in religious rituals and not used every day.
So I believe that medical marijuana is the answer. If you want it badly enough to pay a licensed physician for checkups and prescriptions, then fine. There are lots of people getting drugs they dont need now anyway – tranquilizers, viagra, painkillers. When it is by prescription it really helps to keep it off the street without jailing large numbers of relatively innocent citizens.
Different subject. The 21st Amendment didn’t say anything about alcohol, it merely repealed the original prohibition.
In the case of Prop 19, it is a new law, attempting to legalize pot. In actual fact, it cannot, because there will still be Federal Laws on the subject.
that’s complete nonsense. If something is decriminalized, it’s LEGAL.