Deleon Springs underground marijuana farm

Tuesday morning investigators found one of the most elaborate marijuana growing operations ever seen in Volusia County, police said. A trapdoor in the garage led to a 65-foot tunnel ending in an underground bedroom complete with a bed, monitors hooked up to surveillance cameras, a computer and loaded weapons. There was also a fully equipped grow room with air conditioning, irrigation and a wall panel bristling with wires and electrical outlets. Yet another grow room was found beyond the first one, all under the backyard dirt next to the storage shed. Investigators spent the morning hauling 219 marijuana plants and equipment out through that trapdoor. Video provided by the Volusia County Sheriffs Office. Read the story here:
@petersthorn and drive drunk to get more!!!
those buds look sick not in a good way
I honestly don’t see anything wrong with marijuana. Its just a plant that grows naturally. They should also make tobacco illegal because its no different……..o im sorry……. i forgot big multi million dollar companies need to make more money!
Is using way to much electricity. That could be grown in field 2 crops a year.
@BoogieMain17 Yes, i do. I wonder why all police are lumped together as if they are corrupt stormtroopers. I dislike the fact that MJ is illegal here, but i don’t hate every last police officer for enforcing the law.
filthy pigs
oh no what are they doing? those poor poor plants! I could smoke those eat them who knows! just not throw them out!
any one wonder why we hate the police lol
war on terrorism
war on drugs
war on society next?
what a waste
@azimdinho legalize it, prop 19
I love how these people have the entrepreneurial spirit. See how the gov’t keeps spending billions of good money after bad for 40+ years now, while ruining honest hard working citizens social upstanding and futures. Then the right-wingers lament people on unemployment and receiving welfare who were socially and economically destroyed by the police state’s desire to keep good american prison guard jobs right here in America. Gov’t is good at making more bad guys out of good guys-go Capitalism!
Wow thats sad all those plants went to waste
1.)cause to grow marijuana at this magnitude=lost job from recession or overskilled and underpaid?
2.)reason to smoke weed=recession depression?
3.)ways to fix recession and create jobs and GDP=legalize and tax weed and stop blowing money on war on drugs, Ceteris Paribus, will cripples funds for terrorism and violence in Cuidad Juarez!?
4.)cure for recession depression=my diagnosis, medicinal marijuana. two birds with one stone. Problem solved.
@azimdinho Thats because most of the Law makers are drunks and they won’t give up there own livlihood
fuck the police and the dea why dont you got bust the meth lab down my street you fucking pricks
That’s some ratty lookin bud anyway…
u smoke weed get high have fun and u r still okay but alcohal when u drink it u loos yo mind but its still legall,, fuckin government
fucking faggg d e a
people know its illegal. they go way overboard when they grow it. damn. they are crazy
We could end prohibition this year , if juries stopped convicting non-violent drug offenders. It’s called ” Jury Nullification” .