Cultivator’s Handbook of Marijuana

Product DescriptionThis revised and updated edition of the classic Cultivators Handbook of Marijuana was complete information on growing marijuana indoors and outdoors. Full of examples, fantastic illustrations and horticultural knowledge. Drake is a leading authority on marijuana cultivation. His book “Handbook of Marijuana Cultivators contains information about the marijuana plant, marijuana and country, working with young plants, marijuana and lighting, harvesting and curing, mak… More>>
Look for the same title, but “William Drake” than the autho Rating: 5.4
In 1970, Bill Drake’s book “would change The Cultivator’s Handbook of Marijuana” to homegrown be “from what you have bought, if you will not have, no Mexican pot to the high-cannabinoid tribes that were in the U.S. since that time developed, especially on the Left Coast. He deliberately to encourage Americans for the first time the importance of the separation of males and females to increase the formation of female flowers. According to Jack Herer, in conversation with this reviewer, it was Drake’s book who lost interest in hemp Herer’s industrial applications. Read only the first lean pamphletesque issue and you will see how little has actually been in the lexicon of the cultivation of cannabis was added in the nearly forty years, since the farmer’s wife Handbook of Marijuana be surprised was printed for the first time. Rating: 5.5
First book (and still one of the best) in the English language, dedicated in modern times is the cultivation of cannabis as a social drug. Rating: 5.5
Could the upgrade. Too little weight to the indoor growing techniques (HID lamps, hydroponics) or out of date info (recommended mix in light bulbs, etc) Rating: 5.5