Could Meg Whitman Keep Marijuana From Becoming Legal In California

October 27, 2010 MSNBC
October 27, 2010 MSNBC
Medical Marijuana is advancing in Illinois. Check out the latest story from NY Times: SPRINGFIELD, Ill. — The... Read More »
Kansas appeals court addresses medical marijuana issue for travelers March 15. By TONY RIZZO. The Kansas City Star.... Read More »
Foxborough Needs to Establish Medical Marijuana District Following AG's Ruling “Unless somebody can articulate something specific I think... Read More »
Prop 19 is a very smart idea. Marijuana should not be compared to alcohol and tobbaco yet there comparing it to meth and heroin the U.S. is fucked up im glad to live in Canada we are much more lienient infact it would be Legalized completely here but we recieve to many threats about border bein shut down if we do so if California legalizes cannabis 2012 canada will jump to it putting the the U.S. Goverment in a position where it would be difficult to continue the fight with a harmless herb..
I dont want my kid to smoke pot but if they do i dont want them thrown in jail if they get curious about pot a drug no one has ever died from and is safer than alcohol and pharmecutical drugs
LOL Meggy the Hun and her tea bay of antique voters
@dullsvillain We’re hoping ;o) Perhaps I’ll move to Portugal if Meggy the Hun is elected here in CA.
Go for it , YES it CA !
I just returned from decriminalized Portugal. Nice place ,friendly society, no sign of drugged out bedlam. Prohibition makes the problems!
@2bRealist Marijuana was the drug of choice of black Americans, hence the ban. It was part of a program to stop what one wingnut called “the niggerisation of America”. Jazz was extremely popular, particularly with white intellectuals and the young, and black supremacy in sport was beginning to assert itself. Boxing was a big issue, particularly the heavyweight title (ever hear the phrase “Great white hope”? Google it).
Anyway enough history, glad to hear you’ve found it beneficial, cheers!
@2bRealist The Feds pull their DEA # if they sign a script for Med MJ, and then they can’t prescribe “BIG PHARMA’S” toxic elixirs and such.
I guess, “First, Do No Harm” translates into “Don’t fuck up your Practice because you won’t be able to make your Yacht Payments.”
@bundy15 yeah, the media ignores facts and stats from other countries.
Portugal legalized drugs and the use among teens DECREASED!!!
Some poll numbers are off because some people are just embarrassed to admit to a stranger on the phone that they will vote to legalize pot. Automatic polls however still show pot in the lead. Especially with voters under 30. Young people are 73 – 22 in favor of Prop 19. So all you young California voters need to get out there on November 2nd and vote your fucking asses off!
None of the canidates from either party support 19. I am for Jerry Brown all the way, but the rest can go pound sand in Cali for all care. I dont see a difference between Fiorina and Boxer, and I cant stand Boxer, so I would have a hard time voting for her. I might vote for the Green party since they support prop 19.
Look into US Patent #6630507
Feds patent medicinal cannabis as anti-oxidants, neuroprotectants, etc.
I blaim fake polls and voter fraud
This guy is full of bs
please ppl of cali dont let these reports discourage u not every1 has the opportunity that u guys get next tuesday, hell most ppl cant even apply 4 medical mj
In the event MJ would be legalized nation wide tomorrow, it would be decades it reaches the level of used of alcohol & nicotine by teens I guess it would depend on their access to the stuff being grown by those old white people, and their parents.
It won’t pass… it’s like prop 8… everyone thought it would die on impact then the bible thumpers and misinformed got on board and it passed. These same people are going to kill prop 19.
@MutantKush Basically yeah, if they say its losing steam or buzz or whatever some people will believe its true simply becuase it came from the all knowing talking head on the TV.
Truth is people all over the world are excited and hoping to see it pass.
Personally I just want it decriminalized for personal use, possession, and cultivation.
Now I’m starting to wonder why progressives and libertarians fight so much. The last two videos were on The War and pot, add the bailout and that’s 3 major issues we should get together on. I’m looking at this from the progressive side but it seems like the only issues you guys care about are the ones we DISagree on… I guess what I’m trying to say is: U mad?
Its losing buzz because the MSM says it is because they use rigged polls.
@horizen12 if i was from Cali that would be the only reason i would vote. being from Florida i think I’ll just skip this year they are all crooks here. No one ever keeps their promises in government anymore unless it’s to a corporate lobbyist.
1st time a MD suggested medical MJ to me I was kind of shocked. He wouldn’t sign for me though. MD’s are still scared.
Being a product of the D.A.R.E program.. I though pot was as bad as crack!!
So I researched.. & WOW have we all been lied too big time!!
about 10 years later, not only do I use it daily for arthritis pain.. I developed my own strain. It’s not a party high but it’s PERFECT for pain.
long lasting
non toxic
it will give you munchies though lol
“yea well this person has this much money to spend on what they but this lady has this much money to spend to get what she wants.” where is the democracy????
@2bRealist Congratulations, and I’m not being sarcastic. It should never have been illegal. In the ’60s we thought it would surely be legalised sometime in the ’70s and here we are today, with the US fighting on a state by state basis. However there’s big bucks in illegal grass do don’t hold your breath for legalisation. I stopped holding mine when they elected Nixon
Agreed, They need to stop making laws taking my damn freedoms away. The big corporations own this country and we need to make a stand for our freedoms.
The polls are rigged just as some of the elections have been.