Contaminated Cannabis Gritweed UK March 2008 – 2009 Fake Weed

its still here!! & getting worse. please stop buying it-its nasty!!! checkout the loads of other gritweed videos on youtube & STOP BUYING THIS SHITE..
its still here!! & getting worse. please stop buying it-its nasty!!! checkout the loads of other gritweed videos on youtube & STOP BUYING THIS SHITE..
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@foxytr900 how u mean bust a lung, what kind of weed is it? i havent herd of it here in australia
everyone seems to smoke it now. ive seen mates complain about that sprayed weed that looks like its been dipped in flour. i always say, they call it skunk for a good reason, its meant to stink. if it has no smell, then its shit. end of story.
I live in the states and with our drugs laws we are forced to consume a horrible product from Mexico the Terrorist are spraying cocaine and marijauna with glass and adding various chemicals to it just to get people sick this is why its a fine example why legalized regulated industry should be responsible for our cannabis not a impovershed nation needing to make a profit anyway possible.It should be a local comoditty.
ype its still here. why stop selling the shit when people are dumb enough to still be buying it…
hiya mate. bud should not crack n pop.. thats rice crispies!!! so i agree your buds f**cked. sorry dude
i just got some of this shit today !!! it scratches my cd wen i cut da bud in two i ran it over the cd and it clearly scratches it and also it crackles and popps =(
1.56??? WTF O__o
@orangebud701 is this shit still going around the uk?
makes me scared to smoke any in case i bust a lung
love it! thanks for that
@Freshhhhh1982 true man ,, thats what my dad allways says
This is fukin real everyone , please less of the bullshit thats being said because this is %100 officialy real weed. i swear down now hand on heart that on of my dads friends died from smoking sprayed weed. because what the actuall sprayed cannibis does is cause hot balls to pierce tiny holes in ya lungs
not nice,,, i could say loads but who cares on youtube
Horrible nasty shit that nearly gave me a heart attack. Stay clear. No one knows the long term effects of these substances. You`re better off doing the real thing.
if someone kicks the can smokin this shit ,its over .never by legal then ,that will be there proff of death?
does reducing soap bar down to oil get rid of the all the shit or jus some of it? I can get good quality polm and black charas, £10 for 2 gram, or cheap soap bar £15 for 7 gram, or green at 1 gram for £20. I jus reduced some soap bar down to oil and its stronger than any of the other stuff available, dunno if its as clean though. check youtube for, ” how to make hash oil”.
7 gram of soap bar reduced down to 2 gram of oil and its head fook gear, proper strong
broke down a nice brick one day and found a tooth in that shit, it was an epic moment!
thankyou. im in new zealand and smoke most days. now i can show people what i mean. i have even seen diotemacious earth used to add bulk.
only way round it, grow ur own man, thats wot alot of us have had to do to get round this disgusting bud on the market. Dont need an expensive set up, and some of the crop weve grown would give amsterdam a good run for their money..
this shits been coming over for years and its not the people from holland who are contaminating it ,,,,its the cunts on our side. ive been told the residue on the bud is the rooting system.they drie it then chuk it over the weed but shit i wuldnt know ..i stik to gud old local grown bleuberry cheese!!!!!! and thw wite rock in the bag ov bud looks like perlite to me
bad joke but sorta funny ;o). i think people should scare the frackin dealers/growers who are doing this shit!!.
i got a joke in poor taste too…
what do you call a gay al-qaeda supporter with a death wish???
a suicide bummer…
beat that!!
some people are just dicks mate. they say stuff just to get a reaction. its not there fault they know nothing, they cant help being a bit simple – it probably stems from years of interbreeding.
on a seperate matter—-shame bad shit happens to people who dont deserve it . whilst the twats waste their lifes away…. peace ;o)
this shit is EVERYTWHERE!
i hear theres quite a big grow community in Sweden-get in with them ;o)
its in sweden 2
“hahaha” the fact that you find this funny says a LOT about your character.
“u smoke shit weed” so do you. Difference is, this guy knows it.
“ive never seen that in a bag of weed” thats because you have never looked.
“ever” because you dont look. ever.
“u got ripped off m8” he certainly did get ripped off. I think that much is obvious.
Well, thanks for all the constructive input k5tar2k8. Keep living in ignorance, maybe things will SOMEHOW get better.
If you cannot understand my point, koorgen, then I have clearly wasted my time with you. Good luck, and maybe think before you post next time.
Ps: The first person to post the reply “What has radiation got to do with anything?” wins the Moron of the Millenium Award for Outstanding Ignorance. Koorgen is already up for nomination.